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How to solve issues of your Roku remote?

As we know, the Roku player or Roku TV comes with a remote to control the devices. Similarly, Roku remote has lots of advanced features such as Voice control, Private listing, Quick access to Roku Free Channels, pause live TV and much more. But sometimes the Roku remote does not able to control your Roku device or not working well. In this case, you get troubles to control your Roku device. So, here are some solutions you need to apply on your Roku remote.

Well, Roku has different devices with different Roku remote controls so this is not possible to use the same troubleshooting steps for both kinds of the remote. Further, check the various troubleshooting steps for several Roku remote.

  1. Standard IR remote
  2. Enhanced “point-anywhere” Remote

How to resolve issues with Standard IR remote?

When you are unable to change a channel maybe the reason is you are not properly pressing the right key or Roku device is located where the remote signal is restricted or blocked. If you have issues in changing channels with Standard IR remote then follow the beneath possible solutions:

  1. Try to change the channel by getting closer to the Roku player.
  2. Further, put your Roku remote front of Roku player and operating it directly at the device. Make sure there are no restricted things arising between Roku remote and Roku player.
  3. Probably, you are still using old batteries; that's why you are unable to command your Roku device. So, remove your old batteries and insert a new pair of batteries.
  4. If still, you are facing issues with Roku remote then remove the batteries from Roku remote, then insert again.

The users can change their Roku remote if they still facing problems. You can buy another Roku remote from Roku's official website http roku com link. You can also turn on Roku without using a Roku remote.

Hopefully, you have solved Standard IR remote issues. Now come to the Enhanced “point-anywhere” Remote issues.