Roel van Veldhuizen
Welcome to my personal homepage. I am an associate professor of economics at Lund University. My main research interests are behavioral and experimental economics. My OSF page can be found here.
Working Papers
Decomposing Trust (with Dirk Engelmann, Jana Friedrichsen, Pauline Vorjohann and Joachim Winter, latest version: November 2023).
Navigating Moral Trade-offs (with Kai Barron and Robert Stüber, latest version: November 2024).
Does Unfairness Hurt Women? The Effects of Losing Unfair Competitions (with Stefano Piasenti, Marica Valente and Gregor Pfeifer, latest version: July 2023).
Revise and Resubmit at the Economic Journal.Subjective Judgment and Gender Bias in Advice: Evidence from the Laboratory (with Juliana Silva Goncalves, latest version: December 2020).
An Experimental Investigation of Lobbying and Bribes (with Uri Gneezy and Silvia Saccardo, latest version: October 2024).
Experimental Economics (accepted). Replication Materials .Time Pressure Preferences (with Thomas Buser and Yang Zhong).
Management Science, 2024. Working Paper Version (May 2024) and Replication Materials.Gender Differences in Tournament Choices: Risk Preferences, Overconfidence or Competitiveness?
Journal of the European Economic Association, 2022, vol 20(4), pp. 1595-1618. Replication MaterialsCan Simple Advice Eliminate the Gender Gap in Willingness to Compete? (with Dany Kessel and Johanna Mollerstrom)
European Economic Review, 2021, vol 138. Ungated Version (April 2021) and Replication Materials.Gender Differences in Willingness to Compete: The Role of Public Observability (with Thomas Buser and Eva Ranehill)
Journal of Economic Psychology, 2021, vol 83. Replication Materials.Bribing the Self (with Uri Gneezy, Silvia Saccardo and Marta Serra-Garcia)
Games and Economic Behavior, 2020, vol 120, pp. 311-324. Working Paper Version (Jan. 2020) and Replication Materials.Bribery: Behavioral Drivers of Distorted Decisions (with Uri Gneezy and Silvia Saccardo)
Journal of the European Economic Association, 2019, vol. 17(3), pp. 917-46. Working Paper Version (Nov. 2017) and Replication Materials.Nonrenewable Resources, Strategic Behavior and the Hotelling Rule: An Experiment (with Joep Sonnemans)
Journal of Industrial Economics, 2018, vol. 66(2), pp. 481-516. Working Paper Version (Dec. 2017), Replication Materials and Online Appendix.Peers at Work: Evidence from the Lab (with Hessel Oosterbeek and Joep Sonnemans)
PLOS ONE, 2018, vol. 13 (2). Online Appendix and Replication Materials.Clean up your own Mess: an Experimental Study of Moral Standards and Efficiency (with Michael Jakob, Dorothea Kübler and Jan Christoph Steckel)
Journal of Public Economics, 2017, vol. 155, pp. 138-146. Working Paper Version (Sep. 2017), Online Appendix and Replication Materials.Strategic Uncertainty in Non-renewable Resource Markets: a Level-k Approach (with Ingmar Vierhaus and Armin Fügenschuh)
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2017.Willpower Depletion and Framing Effects (with Thomas de Haan)
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2015, vol. 17, pp. 47-61. Working Paper Version (Apr. 2015), data available upon request.The Influence of Wages on Public Officials' Corruptibility: a Laboratory Investigation (2013)
Journal of Economic Psychology, vol. 32, pp. 341-356. Working Paper Version (Sept. 2013) and Online Appendix, data available upon request.Work in Progress
A Design-Based Approach Towards Understanding Gender Differences in Tournament Entry (with Vojtech Bartos).
The Anchoring Effect in Distributions (with Håkan J. Holm, Margaret Samahita and Erik Wengström).