Rodrigo Nogueira

I'm the founder and CEO of and an adjunct professor at UNICAMP (Brazil).

Previously, I was a postdoctoral fellow at University of Waterloo (Canada) working with prof. Jimmy Lin. I hold a Ph.D. from New York University (NYU) where I worked on the intersection of Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Information Retrieval under the supervision of prof. Kyunghyun Cho.

I have an Ms.C. degree from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), where I developed with prof. Roberto Alencar Lotufo an award-winning algorithm for real vs fake fingerprint detection. Before that, I worked for Siemens as a software engineer, working with SCADA systems and Smart Grid.

More information on the courses I teach at UNICAMP and current projects (in Portuguese)

Academic Background

My Full CV is available here.


For an updated list of publications, check my Google Scholar Profile.

Employment History


Email : rodrigonogueira at nyu dot edu