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Professor of Finance and Business Economics, Marshall School of Business , University of Southern California

Previously, I was on sabbatical as a  Policy Advisor at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia (2024), and worked at the Board Governors of the Federal Reserve System, serving as the first chief of the Systemic Financial Institutions and Markets Section (2012-2015). In that role, I helped develop analyses to understand better the role of financial institutions in the US economy, and contributed to the regulatory policy discussions at both the Federal Reserve and at Basel. I also worked for the International Monetary Fund from 2000-2010 during which I contributed to policy discussions on exchange rates and monetary policy in emerging markets such as South Africa and in a number of developing economies. I have also been a visiting scholar at the Dutch National Bank,  Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas,  Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and served as a consultant to the Swedish Riksbank. Much of my research agenda has been shaped by the policy questions I have encountered at these institutions.  I was  a recipient of the Dean's Award for Research Excellence at the Marshall School of Business in 2019.