Principal Component Pursuit

RPCA via Principal Component Pursuit (PCP) (445) Candes et al. (2011)

RPCA via Stable Principal Component Pursuit (SPCP) (41) Zhou et al. (2010)

RPCA via Quantization based Principal Component Pursuit (QPCP) (1) Becker et al. (2011)

RPCA via Block based Principal Component Pursuit (BPCP) (2) Tang and Nehorai (2011)

RPCA via Local Principal Component Pursuit (LPCP) (1) Wohlberg et al. (2012)


E. Candes, X. Li, Y. Ma, J. Wright, “Robust Principal Component Analysis”, ACM, Volume 58, No. 3, May 2011.

Z. Zhou, X. Li, J. Wright, E. Candes, Y. Ma, "Stable Principal Component Pursuit", ISIT 2010, 2010.

S. Becker, E. Candes, M. Grant, “TFOCS: Flexible First-order Methods for Rank Minimization”, Low-rank Matrix Optimization  Symposium, SIAM Conference on Optimization, 2011.

G. Tang, A. Nehorai, “Robust principal component analysis based on low-rank and block-sparse matrix decomposition”, Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, CISS 2011, 2011.

B. Wohlberg, R. Chartrand, J. Theiler, "Local Principal Component Pursuit for Nonlinear Datasets", International Conference on Acoustics, Speech,  and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2012, pages 3925-3928, Kyoto, Japan, 2012.