Approximated RPCA

T. Zhou, D. Tao, “GoDec: Randomized Low-rank & Sparse Matrix Decomposition in Noisy Case”, International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2011, 2011.

T. Zhou, D. Tao,"Greedy Bilateral Sketch, Completion and Smoothing for large-scale matrix completion, robust {PCA} and low-rank approximation", AISTATS 2013, 2013.

T. Zhou, D. Tao, "Shifted Subspaces Tracking on Sparse Outlier for Motion Segmentation, which reduces motion detection, tracking and segmentation to one efficient matrix factorization model", IJCAI 2013, April 2013.

T. Zhou, D. Tao,"Unmixing Incoherent Structures of Big Data by Randomized or Greedy Decomposition", Preprint, 2013.

K. Guo, L. Liu, X. Xu, D. Xu, D. Tao, "GoDec+: Fast and Robust Low-Rank Matrix Decomposition Based on Maximum Correntropy", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, pages 1-14, 2016.

K. Guo, X. Xu, D. Tao, "Discriminative GoDec+ for Classification" , IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 65, No. 13, pages 3414-3429, July 2017.

Incremental Algorithm

C. Chen, J. Cai, W. Lin, G. Shi, "Incremental Low-Rank and Sparse Decomposition for Compressing Videos Captured by Fixed Cameras", Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, December 2014.