I was born in Ferrara (Italy) in 1977.
I live in Ferrara and I work at the "Marco Fanno" Department of Economics and Management in Padua, as an Associate Professor of Economic Policy.
ORCID: 0000-0002-2172-4062
1. School of Economics and Political Science, M.Sc. (laurea magistrale) in "Management for Sustainable Firms" - Economics of Innovation (6 Credits) - II year
2. School of Economics and Political Science, B.A. (laurea) in "Law and Economics" (Diritto dell'Economia) in Rovigo - Principles of Economics (Istituzioni di Economia Politica) (9 credits) - I semester
3. School of Economics and Political Science, M.A. in International Business for Small and Medium Enterprises (MIBS) - International Business (16 hrs)
4. School of Economics and Political Science, M.Sc. in "Human Rights and Multi-Level Governance" - Economic Globalization and Human Rights (3 credits, in English) - I semester
Peer-reviewed journals
Regional economics, geography of Innovation
Economics of Innovation, economic complexity
International economics: FDI and GVC
Environmental and energy economics
Digital technology and regional income inequality: are better institutions the solution? (with C. Burlina and A. Rodriguez-Pose), PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE, 2025, available online 11 January 2025, 100079, doi: 10.1016/j.pirs.2025.100079
Linking FDI and trade network topology with the Covid-19 pandemic (with G. De Masi and G. Ricchiuti), JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC INTERACTION AND COORDINATION, 18, 807-833, 2023.
Inward FDI and the quality of domestic institutions: a cross-country panel VAR analysis (with J. Mondolo), ECONOMIC SYSTEMS, 47(3), 101078.
Robots and the productivity of local manufacturing systems in Emilia-Romagna: the mediating role of occupational similarity and complexity (with L. Cattani and G. Pedrini), EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES, 31(7), 1397-1421, 2023.
Education, routine, and complexity-biased Key Enabling Technologies: evidence from Emilia-Romagna, Italy, INDUSTRY & INNOVATION, 2023, 30(1), 103-134 (with L. Cattani, F. Gambarotto and G. Pedrini).
Exploring the entropy-complexity nexus. Evidence from Italy, ECONOMIA POLITICA - JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND INSTITUTIONAL ECONOMICS, 2023, 40, 257-283 (with C. Burlina).
The wealth of nations and the first wave of COVID-19 diffusion, ITALIAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL, 9(1), 61-83, 2023 (with F. Fontini and P. Falbo)
Flussi studenteschi e mercato immobiliare: il caso dell'Università di Padova (with E. Botton), REGIONAL STUDIES AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT, 3(3), 139-160, 2022.
The world trade network: country centrality and the COVID-19 pandemic, APPLIED NETWORK SCIENCE, 7(18), 2022 (with P. Falbo, F. Fontini, R. Grassi and G. Rizzini).
Advanced manufacturing technology and the demand for tasks and skills in Emilia-Romagna, SCIENZE REGIONALI - THE ITALIAN JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE, 21(1), 37-62, 2022 (with L. Cattani, F. Gambarotto, and G. Pedrini).
Quality of institutions and standard of living: a panel cointegration analysis, ECONOMICS BULLETIN, vol. 41(3), 2074-2079, 2021 (with C. Burlina).
Going beyond relatedness: regional diversification trajectories and Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) in Italian regions, ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY, 97(2), 187-207, 2021 (with S. Montresor).
From FDI to economic complexity: a panel Granger causality analysis, STRUCTURAL CHANGE AND ECONOMIC DYNAMICS, vol. 56, 225-239, 2021(with C. Franco)
Social capital, resilience, and regional diversification in Italy, INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE, vol. 30(3), 762-777, 2021 (with R.A. Boschma)
The role of industry variety in the creation of innovative start-ups in Italy, SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS, 54, 561-573, 2020. BEST PAPER AWARD, 20th Uddevalla Symposium, Trollhattan, 15-17 June 2017 (with F. Gambarotto).
Does energy price affect energy efficiency? Cross-country panel evidence, ENERGY POLICY, 129, 896-906, 2019 (with F. Fontini).
I luoghi fertili per l'innovazione. Uno studio sulla localizzazione delle start-up innovative in Italia, ECONOMIA E SOCIETA' REGIONALE, 36(3), 2018 (with F. Gambarotto).
Flexible pay systems and labour productivity: evidence from manufacturing firms in Emilia Romagna, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANPOWER, 38(4), 1-20, 2017 (with D. Antonioli and P. Pini).
Governing offshoring in a stringent environmental policy setting: evidence from Made in Italy firm, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 155(2), 103-113, 2017 (with V. De Marchi and E. Di Maria).
IDE in entrata e nati-mortalità delle imprese manifatturiere in Italia, SCIENZE REGIONALI - ITALIAN JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE, 16(2), 261-282, 2017 (with G. Cainelli and R. Bronzini).
Urban size and KIBS vertical disintegration: the case of Milan, EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES, 24(12), 2241-2256, 2016 (with G. Cainelli).
A rational explanation of the redistribution paradox. Theory and empirical evidence, SCOTTISH JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, 63(5), 539-555, 2016 (with F. Farina and F. Fontini).
Education and training in a model of endogenous growth with creative wear and tear, ECONOMIA POLITICA - JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND INSTITUTIONAL ECONOMICS, 33(1), 35-62, 2016 (with A. Van Zon).
From outsourcing to productivity, passing through training: microeconometric evidence from Italy. INDUSTRY AND INNOVATION, 23(5), 407-425, 2016.
Local market size, social capital and outsourcing: evidence from Emilia Romagna , SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS, 47(1), 243-260, 2016 (with M.R. Ferrante and R. Leoncini).
Banks, related variety and firms' investments, LETTERS IN SPATIAL AND RESOURCE SCIENCES, 8(1), 89-99, 2015 (with G. Cainelli, M. Ferrari and S. Tomasini).
La formula dell'export per le province italiane: classe creativa + specializzazione manifatturiera , ECONOMIA E SOCIETA' REGIONALE, XXXIII(1), 125-143, 2015 (with G. Soggia).
Does local creative employment affect firm innovativeness? Microeconometric evidence from Italy, SCIENZE REGIONALI - ITALIAN JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE, 14(3), 102-124, 2015.
Inward greenfield FDI and innovation, ECONOMIA E POLITICA INDUSTRIALE - JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND BUSINESS ECONOMICS, 42(1), 93-116, 2015 (with R. Bronzini and G. Cainelli).
Spatial agglomeration, production technology and the choice to make and/or buy. Empirical evidence from Emilia Romagna machine tool industry. REGIONAL STUDIES, 48(2), 284-300, 2014 (with M.R. Ferrante and R. Leoncini).
Green tangible investment strategies and export performance: a firm-level investigation, ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, 108, 150-161, 2014 (with A. Marzucchi).
Firm internationalization and demand for foreign language skills: a firm-level investigation, ECONOMIA POLITICA - JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND INSTITUTIONAL ECONOMICS, 31(2), 173-193, 2014 (with M. Loi).
Vertical disintegration and spatial co-localization: the case of KIBS in the metropolitan region of Milan. ECONOMICS LETTERS, 118(2), 360-363, 2013 (with G. Cainelli and C. Lupi).
KIBS and the city: GIS evidence from Milan. ECONOMIA POLITICA- JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND INSTITUTIONAL ECONOMICS, 29(3), 295-308, 2012 (with G. Cainelli).
The role of spatial agglomeration in a structural model of innovation, productivity and export: a firm-level analysis. THE ANNALS OF REGIONAL SCIENCE, vol. 46(3), p. 577-600, 2011 (with G. Cainelli)
The impact of production offshoring on the skill composition of manufacturing firms: Evidence from Italy. INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF APPLIED ECONOMICS, 25(1), 87-105, 2011 (with D. Antonioli)
Organizational change, skill formation, human capital measurement: evidence from Italian manufacturing firms. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC SURVEYS, 24(2), 206-247, 2010 (with G. Antonelli and G. Guidetti).
High school graduates, human capital formation and labour demand. RIVISTA INTERNAZIONALE DI SCIENZE SOCIALI, 3-4, 443-474, 2009 (with G. Antonelli and G. Guidetti).
Spatial agglomeration, technology and the outsourcing of knowledge intensive business services: empirical insights from Italy. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SERVICES TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 10(2/3/4), 273-298, 2008 (with G. Cainelli).
Production outsourcing, organizational governance, and firm's technological performance: evidence from Italy . THE IUP JOURNAL OF MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS, 6(1), 51-69, 2008 (with G. Cainelli).
Il ruolo economico dell'arbitro di calcio: una rassegna della letteratura e alcune questioni aperte. RIVISTA DI DIRITTO ED ECONOMIA DELLO SPORT, vol. 3, p. 75-103, 2008.
Opening the "skill-bias technological change" black box: a look at the microfoundations of the technology-skill relationship. ECONOMIA POLITICA - JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND INSTITUTIONAL ECONOMICS, 24(3), 451-475, 2007.
Book chapters
Economic complexity: local and global impacts. In: S.S. Johdka, and B. Rehbein (Eds.), Global Handbook of Inequality, Springer, 2024.
Economic complexity and income inequality: evidence from Italian regions. In: L. Lazzeretti, T. Ozeki, S.R. Sedita, F. Capone (Eds.), Rethinking Clusters in Times of Uncertainty: Japanese and European Perspectives, Edward Elgar, 2024 (with D. Fanton).
Assessing the relationship between air quality, wealth, and the first wave of COVID-19 diffusion and mortality. In: F. Belahid, and A. Cretì (Eds.), Energy Transition, Climate Change, and Covid-19, Springer, pp. 1-14, 2021 (with F. Fontini and P. Falbo).
Assessing the role of entropy on economic complexity in Italian regions. In: I. Bernard, U. Grasjo, and C. Karlsson (Eds.), Unlocking regional innovation and entrepreneurship: the potential for increasing capacities, Edward Elgar, forthcoming 2021, ISBN: 978 1 80037 123 1 (with C. Burlina).
Infrastructure endowment, social capital and outsourcing: evidence from Emilia Romagna, Italy. In: C. Karlsson, U. Grasjo and S. Wixe (Eds.), Innovation and entrepreneurship in the global economy: knowledge, technology and internationalization, Edward Elgar, 310-330, 2015 (with M.R. Ferrante and R. Leoncini)
Capitale creativo territoriale e capacità innovativa delle imprese manifatturiere italiane. In: U. Fratesi and G. Pellegrini (Eds.), Territorio, istituzioni e crescita, 147-162, Milano, Franco Angeli-Collana Scienze Regionali, 2013.
Geographic concentration and vertical disintegration in KIBS: evidence from the metropolitan area of Milan. In: C. Karlsson; B. Johannson; R. Stough (eds.), Entrepreneurial knowledge, technology and the transformation of regions, Routledge, 2012 (with G. Cainelli).
Urban density and vertical disintegration: the case of service firms in Milan. In: E. Di Maria, R. Grandinetti and B. Di Bernardo (Eds.), Exploring knowledge intensive business services. Knowledge management strategies, 214-230, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2012 (with G. Cainelli).
La misurazione del capitale umano dal lato della domanda di lavoro. Un inquadramento teorico. In: L. Tronti (Ed.), Capitale umano. Definizione e misurazioni, CEDAM-Kluwer, 43-63, 2012 (with G. Antonelli and G. Guidetti).
Le scelte di investimento in capitale umano delle imprese italiane. In: L. Tronti (Ed.), Capitale umano. Definizione e misurazioni, CEDAM-Kluwer, 223-270, 2012 (with G. Antonelli and G. Guidetti).
Innovation, productivity and export. Evidence from Italy. In: C. Karlsson, B. Johansson and R. Stough (Eds.), Innovation, technology and knowledge, Routledge, 2011 (with G. Cainelli).
Production offshoring and the skill composition of Italian manufacturing firms: a counterfactual analysis. In: N. De Liso and R.Leoncini (Eds.), Internationalization, technological change and the theory of the firm, 210-238,Routledge, 2011 (with D. Antonioli).
Human capital and sports performance-related pay. In: P. Shastri Ranade (Ed.), Sports management: Global and Indian strategies, 130-145, ICFAI University Press, 2007.
Book reviews
Industry 4.0 and regional transformations (edited by Lisa De Propris and David Bailey,Rout ledge, 2020), in PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE, online first, doi: 10.1111/pirs.12697
Evolutionary spatial economics: understading economic geography and location over time (edited by Miroslav N. Jovanovic, Edward Elgar, 2020), in SCIENZE REGIONALI - ITALIAN JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE, 21(1), 162.164, 2022 (with L. Resmini).
Keys to the city. How economics, institutions, social interaction, and politics shape development (by Michael Storper, Princeton University Press 2013) jointly with Urban economics and urban policy. Challenging conventional policy wisdom (by Paul C. Cheshire, Max Nathan and Hanry G. Overman, Edward Elgar 2014), in SCIENZE REGIONALI - ITALIAN JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE, 14(2), 139-144, 2016.
Worldwide knowledge? Global firms, local labour and the region (by Martina Fuchs, Routledge, 2014), in REGIONAL STUDIES, 50(1), 182-183, 2016.
Cities and the urban land premium (by Henri L.F. de Groot, Gerard Marlet, Coen Teulings and Wouter Vermeulen, Edward Elgar, 2015), in SCIENZE REGIONALI - ITALIAN JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE, 16(3), 499-501, 2017.
Sports through the lens of economic history (by Richard Pomfret and John K. Wilson, Edward Elgar, 2016), in HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT AND POLICY, 1, 149-152, 2017.
Working Papers - Under Review
Linking FDI network topology with the Covid-19 pandemic, DISEI Working Paper n. 18/2020, University of Florence, 2020 - ERSA Coronavirus Forum, 2021 https://ersa.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/SSRN-id3736648.pdf (with G. De Masi and G. Ricchiuti)
University of Bologna
September 1996 - November 2001: MSc. in Political Science - Major in Economics
January 2002 - June 2005: PhD in Law and Economics
January 2002 - July 2002: M.A. in Development Innovation and Change (MIDIC)
Summer School in Compuational Economics (SEEC), “Programming in Matlab”, Lecce, 4-9 July 2005.
Centro Interuniversitario di Econometria (CIDE), Summer School in "Estimation methods and models for linear and panel data", 11-23 September 2006
OPENLOC School of Spatial Statistics and Econometrics, 24-26 March 2011, University of Trento.
Società Italiana degli Economisti (SIE) - Italian Economic Association: www.siecon.org
Associazione Italiana di Scienze Regionali (AISRE) - Italian Association of Regional Science: www.aisre.it
School of Development Innovation and Change (SDIC), University of Bologna
Sustainability Environmental Economics and Dynamics Studies (SEEDS) - member of the Scientific Board: www.sustainability-seeds.org
Urban Economics Association (UEA): http://www.urbaneconomics.org
Centro Studi Regionali "Giorgio Lago" - University of Padova
Centro Studi di Economia e Tecnica dell'Energia "Giorgio Levi Cases" - University of Padova
Editorial activity
Guest editor special issue “Knowledge-intensive business services: spatial agglomeration, innovation and internationalization”, Economia Politica – Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics, vol. 29(3), 2012 (with Giulio Cainelli).
Co-editor AISRe book “Uscire dalla crisi. Città, comunità e specializzazione intelligenti”, Franco Angeli, Milan (with G. Corò and F. Gambarotto), 2015, ISBN: 978-88-917-2602-5.
Guest co-editor of the special issue on "The effects of clusters on innovation, entrepreneurship and global value chains", Competitiveness Review, 2019-20 (with Enrico Carlet).
Editorial boards
Economia Politica - Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics, Springer: Associate Editor
Scienze Regionali - Italian Journal of Regional Science: Member of the Editorial Board. Book Review Editor (until 30/06/2024).
Organization of scientific events
IV Workshop PRIN-MIUR 2005 “International fragmentation and local development”, Padova, 3-4/06/2008
II workshop PRIN-MIUR 2007, “Emerging economic regional powers and local systems of production”, Padova, 22-23/01/2010
Alma Laurea International Conference “Human Capital and Employment in the Euro-Mediterranean Area”, Bologna, 10-11/03/2011
XIV Uddevalla Symposium, Bergamo, 16-18/06/2011, Coordinator of the Special Session “The spatial agglomeration of business services” (with G. Cainelli).
XXXIII Annual Conference AISRE, Rome, 13-15/09/2012, Coordinator of the Special Session on “Creativity, innovation and regional development” (with G. Cainelli).
XXIV Annual Conference AISRE, Palermo, 2-3/09/2013, Coordinator of the Special Session on “Environmental innovations and regional development”.
XXXV Annual Conference AISRE, Padova, 11-13/09/2014, member of the Local Organizing Committee.
III IAERE Annual Conference, Padova 20-21/02/2015, member of the Local Organizing Committee.
II Rethinking Clusters Workshop, Padova, 15-17 May 2019, member of the Local Organizing Committee.
Italian Association of Regional Studies (AISRe) - Summer School 2021, Padova, 6-9 July 2021, member of the Local Organizing Committee.
Media & Press, Academic Prizes
Marco Fanno Prize 2014
Radio Cooperativa, radio program “L’Europa dei cittadini”, interview on: “Infrastrutture e sviluppo regionale” (Infrastructures and regional development” (04/11/2013).
Member of URBANMETA (www.urbanmeta.it)
Best Paper Awards, 20th Uddevalla Symposium, Trollhattan, 15-17 June, 2017: http://www.economia.unipd.it/20%C2%B0-uddevalla-symposium-best-paper-award-assigned-roberto-antonietti-and-francesca-gambarotto
Interview for Il Bo Magazine, 6 April 2018, "Cina-USA, la guerra del commercio globale": http://www.unipd.it/ilbo/cina-usa-guerra-commercio-globale
Speaker at the Padova Innovation Week on "Internazionalizzazione: consigli pratici per abbattere le barriere geografiche e temporali", Padova, 18 May 2018
Città-Impresa, Festival dei territori industriali, Vicenza, 15 April 2018 (www.festivalcittaimpresa.it/programma): "Fabbricare valori: l'impresa e il cambio di paradigma".
Conference on "Lo sfruttamento del lavoro e della tratta nelle filiere produttive globali", speaker on "Globalizzazione economica e diritti umani: quali modelli li rendono compatibili?", Treviso, 8 November 2018.
Mani Tese Seminar on "Business e diritti umani: 6 seminari per il terzo settore. Come vincolare la libertà d'impresa al rispetto dei diritti umani e dell'ambiente", Milan, 4 March 2019.
La versione di Oscar, 27/06/2019. Radio interview on: Territori, reti e distretti: http://www.radio24.ilsole24ore.com/programma/versioneoscar/trasmissione-giugno-2019-170353-ACj1Z9U
Best Paper Awards, 22nd Uddevalla Symposium, L'Aquila, 27-29 June, 2019: https://symposium.hv.se/awards/
Webinar organized by Fondazione Nord Est on "Il futuro delle catene globali del valore: cosa accadrà dopo la pandemia": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivsduLC8WMA
DSEA University of Padova, COVID Talks "Innovazione e Tecnologia": https://mediaspace.unipd.it/media/Innovazione+e+tecnologiaA+intervista+a+Roberto+Antonietti/1_78o2ppbr
Best Reviewer Award, Industry & Innovation, 2021.