River Crisis

News Flash! March 1, 2015

The U of F Study is out. It says we need large amounts of storage south of the Lake. It says there is no other way to save the estuaries and get adequate clean water to Everglades National Park. It says the sugar option is an opportunity that may not come again. In fact, it says all the things we've been saying.

Without the US Sugar purchase, CERP won’t work.

We have the plan. We have the contract. We have the money.

Tell all of your elected officials it’s time to:


Martin County Legislative Delegation

Joe Negron (850) 487-5032, (888) 759-0791 Negron.Joe.web@flsenate.gov

Denise Grimsley (850) 487-5021, (863) 386-6016 Grimsley.Denise.web@flsenate.gov

Gayle Harrell (850) 717-5083, (772) 221-4011 GHarrell@GayleHarrell.com

MaryLynn Magar (850) 717-5082, (772) 545-3481 MaryLynn.Magar@myfloridahouse.gov

Larry Lee (772) 595-1391 Larry.Lee@myfloridahouse.gov

Governor Rick Scott (850) 488-7146 rick.scott@eog.myflorida.com

Senate President Andy Gardiner (850) 487-5229 gardiner.andy.web@flsenate.gov

House Speaker Steve Crisafulli (850) 717-5000 Steve.crisafulli@myfloridahouse.gov

SFWMD Board Memebers: dokeefe@sfwmd.gov, kpowers@sfwmd.gov, fbarber@sfwmd.gov

sbatchel@sfwmd.gov, mhutchcraft@sfwmd.gov, moran@sfwmd.gov, mpeterson@sfwmd.gov, portuon@sfwmd.gov