Ritam Chaurey's homepage
Assistant Professor, International Economics Program
Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS)
Office: 558X
555 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington DC, 20001
Email: rchaurey@jhu.edu
Working Papers:
"Employment Protection Legislation and Informality: Theory and Evidence from India” with Gaurav Chiplunkar and Vidhya Soundararajan (R&R, JPE Micro)
"Banks and Informality: Evidence from Dual Balance Sheets of Microenterprises” with Prabhat Barnwal, Reajul Chowdhury, and SK Ritadhi
"Trumping Immigration: Visa Uncertainty and Jobs Relocation” with Kanika Mahajan and Shekhar Tomar
"Liquidity Shocks and Firm Exports: Evidence from Cash Shortages during India's Demonetization" with Ryan Kim and Pravin Krishna
Publications/Forthcoming Papers:
"Place-Based Policies and Migration: Evidence from India" (with Ama Baafra Abeberese and Radhika Menon), World Bank Economic Review, forthcoming
"India’s Services Sector Growth: The Impact of Services Trade on Non-tradable Services." (with Besart Avdiu, Karan Bagavathinathan, and Gaurav Nayyar) India Policy Forum 2022, July 2023
"Democracy and Firm Productivity: Evidence from Indonesia" (with Ama Baafra Abeberese, Prabhat Barnwal, and Priya Mukherjee) Review of Economics and Statistics, May 2023
“Creditor Rights, Threat of Liquidation, and Labor-Capital Choice of Firms.” (with Shashwat Alok and Vasudha Nukala) Journal of Law and Economics, vol. 65, number 4, November 2022
"Infrastructure maintenance and rural economic activity: Evidence from India" (with Duong Le) Journal of Public Economics, vol. 214, October 2022, 104725
"Land Rezoning and Structural Transformation in Rural India: Evidence from the Industrial Areas Program .” (with David Blakeslee, Ram Fishman, and Samreen Malik) World Bank Economic Review, vol. 36, Issue 2, May 2022
"In the Heat of the Moment: Economic and Non-Economic Drivers of the Weather-Crime Relationship" (with David Blakeslee, Ram Fishman, Deepak Malghan, Samreen Malik) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 192, pp. 832-856, December 2021
Media coverage: Haaretz
"Interventions to Promote Technology Adoption in Firms: A Systematic Review" (with David Alfaro-Serrano, Tanay Balantrapu, Ana Goicoechea, and Eric Verhoogen) Campbell Systematic Reviews, vol. 17, no. 4, Dec. 2021.
"Workfare programs and children's meals intake: Evidence from India" (with Karan Singh Bagavathinathan) Food Policy, vol. 95, August 2020
"An Unintended Consequence of Place-Based Policies: A Fall in Informality" (with Ama Baafra Abeberese) Economics Letters, vol. 176, pp. 23-27, March 2019
“Location-based tax incentives: Evidence from India.” Journal of Public Economics, vol. 156, pp. 101-120, December 2017
“Labor regulations and contract labor use: Evidence from Indian firms.” Journal of Development Economics, vol. 114, pp. 224–232, May 2015
Coverage: Economic Survey of India
Works in progress:
"Social Learning among Manufacturing Firms: Servo Motors in Bangladesh" (joint with Gaurav Nayyar, Siddharth Sharma, and Eric Verhoogen)
At Johns Hopkins SAIS
Impact Evaluation in Development (Masters)
Econometrics (Masters)
Economic Development (Masters)
At SUNY Binghamton
Financial Economics (undergraduate)
Principles of Microeconomics (undergraduate)
Economic Development (Ph.D.)