Welcome to Rising UP 2017-2018 Semester

Post date: Aug 12, 2017 12:11:08 AM

Hello Rising Up Families,

We are so excited to start this new semester with all of you. This year is going to be amazing. We have approximately 130 children that will be attending our Rising Up classes this year which is extremely exciting. We cannot wait to see what this semester holds. We have a lot coming up so we wanted to send you out a email and give you some info.

OPEN HOUSE AUGUST 25th- There will be a Rising Up Open House on August 25th from 10am-12pm at the First Baptist Church. We invite all registered Rising Up families to attend. We will be giving tours of the new building and we will help everyone find their classes to prepare them for the first day. We would love to do a few games for the kids, face painting and some other fun stuff while we gather on this day. If you would be willing to help out during the open house please let us know by email. risingupcoop@gmail.com

RISING UP WEBSITE- We will be posting our Announcements on the Rising Up website for this up coming semester. Please go to www.risingupcoop.com and subscribe to get all the updates. We will also continue to use the Facebook page because it is a great way for all of our families to communicate, so if you would like to be added please send a friend request and we will approve all registered families. Reminder, the Rising Up FB page is going to be available to only the families who are enrolled this semester.

WE NEED SOME VOLUNTEERS- :) The Co-Op is growing and so are the duties. There are some projects we would love some help with in the next couple of weeks. We need help getting name tags together and everyone's mailboxes in order. We would also like to send kids/parents birthday cards throughout the year and we would like to have someone organize a few field trips this semester. If anyone has the time and would love to help in the fun we would much appreciate it.

CLASSES THIS SEMESTER- Yesterday the 3 of us met up and went through all the registrations and placed all of our children and adults in classes. Whew! :) We hope to get the lists out to you this week. We did have to make a few switches to even out the classes but we tried our best to place everyone where they would like to be placed. Thank you so much for your patience in this and if you have any concerns when that comes out please contact us via email.

RISING UP MINISTRIES- We would love to have some of our families help us share the love of Christ through different ministries that have been on our heart to provide here at Rising Up.

Meals Ministry- We are looking for someone to take the Lead of our Co-op's Meals Ministry. There is an easy app that would help facilitate this, but we would like someone to be in charge of starting these for any family within the co-op that may be having major health problems, major surgery, death in the family or even for those mommas with new babies. When we get caught up in the busyness of our situation it is nice to feel loved by a friend that brings a meal in the time of need. <3 If this is something you would like to lead please contact us.

Prayer Ministry- Life isn't always easy and it is comforting that you have a friend to pray for you and lift you up. We are looking for someone to lead this. Leading this may require you to pray over people, take anonymous prayer requests, and possibly leading a FB group to pray diligently for our coop and the families during the semester.

If one of these ministries really tugs at your heart let us know. We want to love on all of our families and really come together as a family in times of need. We want you to know that we cherish each and everyone of you and we are so glad to have you with us at Rising Up. God is doing great things in our community through Rising Up and you are ALL A BLESSING!


Jessica, Amanda & Angela

I know the plans I have for you. Jeremiah 29:11