
Welcome to the Healthy

Families Resource Site!

"How can there be too many children?

That is like saying there are too many flowers."

-Mother Teresa

The goal of this site is to make reliable health information

for pregnant moms and new families easily available to parents, families and providers. These resources come recommended by Public Health Nurses in Western Wisconsin and are some of those used in daily practice with families.

Resources in Spanish, Somali and Hmong language are included when available. The Wisconsin Western Region Healthy Babies/Prenatal Care Action Team developed this site.

Disclaimer: The Wisconsin Western Region Healthy Babies/Prenatal Care Action Team and its members are not responsible for the contents of links/web-sites/resources listed or the conduct of any user. Though resources have been reviewed, this is an information service only and should not be taken as medical advice. There is no personal gain or conflict of interest and no endorsements are implied.