Frances Xu Lee

            Quinlan School of Business, Loyola University Chicago                                                                                                     Chicago, IL

Associate Professor with tenure                                                                                                                                      July 2020 --

Assistant Professor                                                                                                                                                                  Aug, 2016 -- June 2020

            Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University                                                                                              Evanston, IL

Adjunct Lecturer of Managerial Economics and Decision Science                                                              Sep, 2014 -- June 2015

University of Hong Kong                                                                                                                                                                     Hong Kong

Assistant Professor, School of Economics and Finance                                                                                      Aug, 2009 -- Aug, 2013

            Ph.D. in Managerial Economics and Strategy, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University.

            BBA. Chinese University of Hong Kong

            Gaming a Selective Admission System (joint with Wing Suen), International Economic Review, 2023, 64(1), pp. 413-443.   Online Appendix

     A Potentially Known Confidential Settlement, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 2023, 39(2), pp.493-520. , Online Appendix 

     Information Validates the Prior: A Theorem on Bayesian Updating and Applications (joint with Navin Kartik and Wing Suen) American Economic Review:   Insights.  2021, 3(2), pp.165-82.      Online Appendix

            Costly Rewards and Punishments, The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 2020, Vol 20, Issue 1.        

            Credibility of Crime Allegation (joint with Wing Suen) American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2020, 12(1):220-59.

            Signaling by an Informed Service Provider (joint with Yuk-fai Fong) Supplementary Appendix, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2017, 00:1-14.

            Investment in Concealable Information by Biased Experts (joint with Wing Suen and Navin Kartik), RAND Journal of Economics, Spring 2017, Volume 48,  No. 1, 24-43.

            The Optimal Extent of Discovery (joint with Dan Bernhardt), RAND Journal of Economics, Fall 2016, Vol. 47, No. 3, 573–607.

            Information Acquisition in a War of Attrition (joint with Kyungmin (Teddy) Kim), 2014, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 6(2), 37–78.        

            Trial Incentives in Sequential Litigation (joint with Dan Bernhardt) 2014, American Law and Economics Review, 17(1), 214-244. 

            Trading between Agents for a Better Match, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume 31, Issue 5, Sep 2013, 501–515.

            Optimal Best-Price Policy, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume 29, Issue 5, September 2011, 628-643

           The "Reasonable Consumer" Standard for Product Labeling   

  Information Acquisition and Liability for Unknowable Risk

  Paid Testimony with a Chance of Perjury