Welcome :0)
We have a few options for food and treats listed below!
This is where you find the best value by purchasing on a once a month schedule.
Maps of Delivery routes for North & South AZ are available.
See page for more details including a listing of order and delivery dates.
Our Ground food selections and small packages are available for shipping!
See page for more details on shipping options for frozen food items.
All treats available for shipping!
Check out the list and let us know if you have questions!
Group orders for tripe are placed 3-4 times per year.
Shipping is available!
We have been using essential since 2011 in our home.
Learn more here about how they have had an impact on our lives!
Hydration is necessary for our health!
See the system we chose for our house of large breed dogs here.
Facebook Updates - RedAngelRaw
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Thank you for feeding your domestic carnivore the food nature intended!
Our website is basic but it serves as the listing of items available - someday it will be a fancy e-commerce website full of information and photos but for now, the Photos are on Facebook and the Information on how to feed a raw diet and other fun things can be accessed by joining the yahoo group. Little by little the business is growing and one day the website will catch up, for now, I'm spending all of my time making sure that all the dogs are able to get the wonderful treats and great food that you can find listed on the site :)
It's a work in progress for sure - Thank you for your patience and patronage of our family business!
Email Contact - RedAngelRaw@gmail.com