
And where does the Newborn go from here?

The Net is Vast and Infinite ... 

... and Mathematics Absolutely Infinite ...


Welcome to Recreomathematica, my new Hub Site for all my mathematical interests

--Sbiis Saibian


Site Under Construction

Areas of Interest

Large Numbers - The "Crown Jewel" as it were, the largest of the Sub-Sites by a long shot. This link leads to my "Large Number Site" which is devoted exclusively to the topic of very large numbers, and ways of expressing them and naming them, a topic sometimes referred to as "googology". It deals with numbers far vaster than those encountered in science such as those expressed with scientific notation or with stacked exponents. Although it briefly discusses these topics as well it quickly moves beyond them delving into the more general discussion of highly recursive functions which produce numbers vastly larger than encountered in any other field of study other than pure mathematics!

Hypercomplex Numbers - This Sub-Site deals with number systems beyond the familiar Real Number System, beginning with the Complex Numbers, and then delving into even more obscure number systems: Quaternions, Octonions, and much much more!

Polyominoes - This site concerns itself with the enumeration of various types of "poly-elements" that combine elements under certain restrictions. The most well known example are probably the tetrominoes from tetris. These are the 7 different ways to combine 4 squares edge to edge, with rotation allowed but flipping over not. This site is currently very small.

Chessics - This deals with generalizations of Chess to any set of pieces with different rules (with at least one designated royal) on any kind of "board" (not necessarily 2-dimensional or euclidean even). We study chess and all it's imagined and unimagined variants from a mathematical standpoint. Still in it's very early stages.

more topics? ... we'll see ...