Academy Colloquium
Academy Colloquium on Reasoning in Social Context
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Trippenhuis Building, Kloveniersburgwal 29, 1011 JV Amsterdam
31 May 2018 - 2 June 2018
Collection of Abstracts of Invited Speakers
The central question that we address at this colloquium focuses on the models that can represent the first level and higher-level beliefs of agents, their knowledge as well as the changes of beliefs and knowledge in a community. We aim to understand the nature of the logic that can model how the beliefs of agents in a group are affected by the opinions and belief changes of others in a social network. The logical study of belief formation, belief revision and knowledge updates in a community is gaining importance as these logical methods can be applied to a number of real life scenarios in the social sciences.
A number of logical systems are already available to deal with the complex multi-agent scenarios in which an individual, or groups of agents, update their knowledge and change their beliefs. An important player in this field is dynamic epistemic logic, which refers to a collection of logical systems that are united in their method to deal with information dynamics. Guided by the methodology of dynamic epistemic logic, we approach the questions at this colloquium from an interdisciplinary angle. As such we welcome any insights on the topic coming from areas such as Game Theory, Belief Revision Theory, Formal Epistemology, Social Science, Network Theory, Cognitive Science and AI.
The overall focus includes (but is not restricted to) the following topics:
- formal representations of higher-order belief, knowledge and belief revision strategies
- epistemic and doxastic influence
- belief merge
- information flow in social networks
- evidential support of epistemic attitudes
- trust and trust revision
Link to the Website of the Academy Colloquium on Reasoning in Social Context