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Real Dehydrated Urine

Urine is a powerful nitrogen fertilizer. An overdose in certain areas of the garden will promote the proliferation of so-called nitrophilous plants: nettle and bindweed in the lead. You can even in extreme cases " burn your plants ". So be careful ...

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If care has been taken to place manure when planting and to keep the soil alive and healthy, nitrogen fertilizer is rarely useful for ornamentals: trees, shrubs and even perennials.

Read Also: Check in details how pass a drug test here.

In pots or planters , on the other hand, it can be a good alternative to the usual liquid fertilizers. Again, keep in mind to dilute the urine: 50 to 100 ml of urine per liter of water . And to bring your mixture (or urination ...) only once every two weeks .

It is especially in the West that we remain reluctant to use human and animal excretions. Urine is frequently used in Africa, Asia and South America. And a lot of agronomic research is underway to quantify the real impact of this practice: for now the results are more than encouraging.

Urine, even diluted, presents an unpleasant odor during its degradation. Storage for a week will remedy this problem. On a healthy and balanced soil, the degradation of the urine will occur very quickly, which will limit this unpleasant odor over time .

Urine is naturally sterile in a healthy person . On the other hand, it is necessary to avoid using the urine of a person with a bacterial infection in the vegetable garden: note that a relatively long storage (at least one month) makes it possible to eliminate any pathogens. And conversely , also avoid using the urine of a person on medication, especially on antibiotics.

Note: also note that urine can bring too high a salinity on sensitive soils .

If we move beyond repulsion to using our own excretions, urine can be an effective fertilizer. However, keep in mind not to use it pure, not too often and only when necessary. In short, the precautions for using a real fertilizer! It is also ideal to store urine beforehand to avoid pathogens and considerably reduce odor.

In France, urinary tract infection is the second leading cause of visits to the doctor and prescription of antibiotics, and probably the leading cause of bacterial infection (1) . Medical authorities estimate that dehydrated urine drug test one in two women will suffer from at least one cystitis during her lifetime, with women being significantly more affected than men.

Taking antibiotics repeatedly is obviously problematic for the individual (eradication of his intestinal flora, decrease in immunity, digestive disorders) but also for society. It leads to the development of new strains of bacteria resistant to antibiotics.

The purpose of this article is to take a tour of the different natural therapies available to us, so that we can avoid the use of antibiotics.

I dare to remind you that we owe the globalized collapse of biodiversity and aquatic resources to the same empires that manufacture their medicines. Multinationals that we can count on the fingers of one hand, and that manufacture poisons like pesticides, and anti-poisons like drugs! A small business that does not know the crisis ... 🙂

So, when those resistant to agricultural uses of urine pee, aren't they doing their share of pollution like the hummingbird's share ? Neither seen nor known, it's so much easier to flush the toilet to send your excreta to the wastewater treatment plant which flows into the local river.

Because all the wastewater treatment plants flow into the river closest to you!

Urine is not poo but a fertilizer that can be directly assimilated by plants, unlike poo which is a fertilizer . And when neither one nor the other is valued, it is 15 to 20 times their volume of drinking water that is soiled before going to soil the common pot.

Not better for the followers of zero waste who, like you and me, piss and shit and therefore produce waste… bodily waste that is rarely valued! As for the famous dry toilets, they work with chips, chips that consume a lot of nuclear energy before being so. In fact, how many still work with a plane or a hand plane?

In short, our energy-intensive system producing chips, we might as well recycle them.

Urine is a fertilizer, but like all fertilizers, it is also a severe pollutant when concentrated. Because it is the concentration that creates pollution, like the dog who always pees in the same places, like the purification stations which concentrate all the wee and poo ... In short, why are our solid and liquid waste not not valued in the same way as animal manure? I do not know. Finally, I still have my little idea ...

n theory, the ideal would be to piss directly into the watering can . Admittedly, it is less restrictive, except for the genre without tail. On the other hand, there is no need to stay cloistered in your garden, except that you always walk around with a watering can in your hand ... Everything is in the design. So, let's invent the handbag watering can to piss freely. Very dissuasive in addition against all the thieves of bags… a plus which is added to the others. As for the backpack watering can, more discreet, it would require a lifting pump. Hello discretion!

All are lame, whereas one in 4 men suffers from urinary leakage after 50 years! It is urgent to find one, at least for them, well for us, because it is scary when you have 56 like me. And all the more so since in our entourage, given the theory on probabilities, we inevitably know one who has leaks and who does not brag about it!

It's so humiliating when the faucet seal is porous. Plus, it sounds a bit like the beginning of the end. Personally, when it started to leak, the exercises I did clogged them. Phew!

Otherwise, I would have invented disposable briefs made from spruce fibers. Yes, the fibers absorb the leaks and neutralize the urea. Always dry with a forest smell in the underpants! That is the demand of the people ? Slip that would have been enough to put at the foot of the plants to fatten them, a form of superior quality BRF.