Some things about me

My name is

Razvan Caramalau. Currently, I'm a Research Postgraduate at Imperial College of London in the ISN (Intelligent System Networks) department, under Dr. T.K. Kim supervision. My topic of interest is to improve generalisation in 3D hand pose estimation. More updates on the ICVL's (Imperial Computer Vision and Learning Lab) activity can be found here.

March 2016 - June 2018, Leading Research Engineer at Imagination Technologies working in the Vision & AI department.

How did I get to this point?

Well, it all started with my Bachelor Degree from 2009 to 2013, obtained with a good ranking at the Military Technical Academy from Bucharest, Romania.


Because I had (still have) a strong interest in Physics, Maths and Computer Science applied on military electronic equipments. In my 3rd year, I had a revelation during two specialised courses: one in Image Signal Processing and another one in Artificial Intelligence. From this point, I've started to enlarge my knowledge in these fields through online courses from Stanford and multiple other papers, books, tutorials, mini-projects etc. From another side, in my final year, I had the opportunity of an Erasmus programme studentship at TU Delft where I could work on my Diploma Project centred on Radar Signal Processing.

What was next?

Continuing with the Master Degree (2013 - 2015) at the Politehnica University of Bucharest, specialisation in Multimedia Communication, I was happy to improve and learn even more bouncing between Speech, Image and Vision processing. Worth to mention, thanks to my MA project supervisor, Prof. Constantin Paleologu, I had the chance to publish and present in an international conference my first paper: "On the performance of an optimized NLMS algorithm" in 2015.

School was over?

For that year it was and in 2016 I got the role of Research Engineer at Imagination Technologies. Initially, I was involved in finalising the high-end release of an Image Signal Processor IP. 2017 started with a promotion followed by an obvious change in project (Neural Network Accelerator).

What's next?

Although in the past I refused to do it, in June 2018, I'll be starting a Ph.D. at Imperial College London, inside the Imperial Computer Vision and Learning Lab , under the supervision of Tae-Kyun Kim. My thesis topic will be 3D Hand Pose Estimation (with rigorously extent of Machine Learning algorithms).