Raun van Ooijen

I am an assistant professor at the University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, a fellow of Netspar and the Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health, and scientific advisor and former program lead of Health-data infrastructure DatapoortNoord.nl.

My research focuses on health-related risks over the life cycle, with an emphasis on work disability and long-term care. I am particularly interested in the value of social insurance programs to mitigate these risks and their effects on socioeconomic inequalities.

My research interests are Health Economics, Public Health, Public Economics, Labor Economics, Economics of Ageing, and Empirical econometrics.

My CV is available here. 


Netspar theme grant. Health and labor income uncertainty over the lifecycle: the impact on households' risk capacity and retirement income adequacy. 2022-2025. [Link]

ZonMw Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development grant. Strengthening the role of the employer in finding suitable work at an early stage of the reintegration process. 2022-2025. [Link]


Recent working papers

De Bresser J., Knoef, M.  & Van Ooijen, R. The market for life care annuities: using housing wealth to manage longevity and long-term care risk. February 2025. [Link] [Online appendix

Van der Vaart, J. Alessie, R. Groneck, M. & Van Ooijen, R. Combining Insurance to Accommodate Selection Effects in the Markets for Life Annuities and Long-Term Care Insurance January 2025. [Link]

Jansen, J. Angelini, V. Groneck, M. & Van Ooijen, R. Do Stronger Employer Responsibilities Enhance Workplace Accommodation for Sick-Listed Workers? Evidence from a Dutch Reform. January 2025. [IZA] [Netspar]

Published papers

Van Ooijen, R., Koning, P., Boot, C., & Brouwer, S. Implemented disability-related policies and practices and sustained employment of partially disabled employees: evidence from representative survey and register data. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health. 2024. [Link] 

Boersema, H., Hoekstra, T., et al., including Van Ooijen, R. Inability to Work Fulltime and the association with paid employment one year after the work disability assessment: a longitudinal register based cohort study.  Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 2024. [Link]

Suari-Andreu, E., Alessie, R., Angelini, A., van Ooijen, R. Giving With a Warm Hand: Evidence on Estate Planning and Bequests. Economic Policy, 2024 [Link

Jansen, J., Snippen, N. Koning, P., Boot, C., Van Ooijen, R & Brouwer, S. Discrepancies between workers with disabilities and their supervisors in reported work accommodations and associations with Return to Work. BMC Public Health. 23, 525, 2023. [Link]

De Bresser J., Knoef, M., Van Ooijen, R. Preferences for in-kind and in-cash home care insurances. Journal of Health Economics. 84, 102626, 2022. [Link]

Van Ooijen, R., Koning, P., Boot, C., & Brouwer, S. The contribution of employer characteristics to continued employment of employees with residual work capacity: Evidence from register data in the Netherlands. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health. 2021. [Link]

Jansen, J., Van Ooijen, R., Koning, P., Boot, C., & Brouwer, S. The role of the employer in supporting work participation of workers with disabilities: A systematic literature review using an interdisciplinary approach. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 2021. [Link]

De Nardi, M., Fella, G., Paz-Pardo, G., Knoef, M., Van Ooijen, R. Family and Government Insurance: Wage, Earnings, and Income Risks in the Netherlands and the U.S. Journal of Public Economics. 193, 104327, 2021. [Link]  [NBER] [VoxEU Column]

Mc Intyre K, Lanting P, Deelen P.,  et al., including Van Ooijen, R. Lifelines COVID-19 cohort: investigating COVID-19 infection and its health and societal impacts in a Dutch population-based cohort. BMJ Open. 11, e044474, 2021 [Link]

Van Ooijen, R., Van Rooij M.  Financial Literacy, Financial Advice and Mortgage Risks. Journal of Banking and Finance. 72, 201–217, 2016. [Link]

Van Ooijen, R. Alessie, R., Kalwij, A. Saving Behavior and Portfolio Choice After Retirement.  De Economist .163, 353–404, 2015. [Link]

Policy contributions and blogs


Van Ooijen, R., Van der Vaart, J., Mierau, J.O. Regionale welvaartsindex wijst op structurele achterstand Groningen, Economische Statistische Berichten, August 2021. [Link]

Jansen, J., Van Ooijen, R., Oude Mulders, J., Brouwer, S. Vinden van passend werk bij een arbeidsbeperking is voor veel bedrijven lastig, Economische Statistische Berichten, April 2021. [Link]

Brouwer, S & Van Ooijen, R. “Langer doorwerken en versobering van sociale zekerheid: de impact op sociale ongelijkheid.” In De toekomst van de sociale zekerheid: de menselijke maat in een solidaire samenleving, 57–66. Boom juridisch, 2021.  [Link] [e-book

Van Ooijen, R., Brouwer, S., Berendsen E., Van Lomwel, E. Verhoging van pensioenleeftijd verhoogt vooral arbeidsongeschiktheid onder lagere inkomens, Economische Statistische Berichten, November 2020. [Link

Van Dalen, H., Henkens, K., Oude Mulders, J., Van Ooijen, R., Brouwer, S.,Besef en beleving van een veranderend pensioenlandschap, MeJudice, November 2020. [Link]


Vliegenthart, R.,  Van Ooijen, R.  Making health data more accessible and better used with a digitally integrated platform: the added value of the Dataport. 2022. [Link]

De Nardi, M., Fella, G., Paz-Pardo, G., Knoef, M., Van Ooijen, R. Family and Government Insurance: Wage, Earnings, and Income Risks in the Netherlands and the U.S., VoxEU Column, 2020. [Link]

Van Ooijen, R., Knoef, E., de Bresser, J.  More individual responsibility in geriatric care: wishes and possibilities, Netspar Brief 9, 2017. [Link]

Euwals, R., Mastrogiacomo. M., De Mooij, R., Van Ooijen, R., Savings, pensions and labor supply, in Rethinking Retirement: from participation towards allocation, CPB Special Publication 80, 2009. [Link]

Van Ooijen, R., Euwals, R., Mastrogiacomo. M., De Mooij, R., Private wealth and planned early retirement: A panel data analysis for the Netherlands, CPB Discussion Paper 160, 2010. [Link]


Current courses 

Health Systems and Prevention II, Research Master Clinical and Psychosocial Epidemiology, Coordination and lecturers, 2020–2024. [Link]

Health Systems and Prevention I, Research Master Clinical and Psychosocial Epidemiology, Lectures, 2022–2024. [Link]

Past courses

University of Groningen Summer School on Data-Driven Prevention Policy in Public Health, 2019.

Empirical Econometrics, Bachelor Econometrics, Coordination and lectures, 2015 - 2018.

Microeconomics of Household behavior, Master Economics and Econometrics, Lectures, 2015 - 2018.

Statistics, Bachelor International Business Economics, Coordination and lectures, 2014 - 2018.