Raul Jimenez


ICREA Professor

Institute of Cosmological  Sciences  (ICC)

Facultad de Fisica

Marti’ i Franques 1

08028 Barcelona (Spain)


I am a theoretical physicist interested in a number of problems in cosmology and astrophysics. My research ranges from the physics of the early universe to the physics of stars. The main drive of my research is to connect ideas in theoretical physics to observable phenomena and in turn explain new observations. The main objective of my research is to understand the fundamental laws of nature using cosmological and astronomical observations. My main topics of research include: dark energy, the early universe, large scale structure, cosmological parameters, the cosmic microwave background, galaxy formation and evolution, high-redshift galaxies, the age of the universe, stellar evolution, stellar populations, star formation, and the interstellar medium. I am especially interested in analysing large datasets and in the development of rigorous statistical algorithms. In the past years I have focussed on developing methods that are independent of the assumptions of the cosmology model to explore the fundamental laws of nature.