Full Professor of Economics, University of São Paulo

Research Director, Center for the Studies of Religion and Public Policy (CERP USP)

Invited Researcher, The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL)

Board of directors of the Italian-Brazilian Economic Association.  

Email: rcorbi@usp.br

Ph.D. in Economics, London Business School, UK, 2014.

Fields: political economy, labor economics, the economics of culture and religion, and economic growth and development.


Working papers

In Progress

Other Publications


Full Professor of Economics, University of São Paulo

Research Director, Center for the Studies of Religion and Public Policy (CERP USP)

Invited Researcher, The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL)

Email: rcorbi@usp.br

CV in English (CV Lattes in Portuguese)