Teaching Material 

(Virtual laboratories)

Virtual Laboratories are computer Simulations which have been specially designed to transfer similar feelings than ones obtained in a real Laboratory. In this page, you can find links to the Virtual Laboratories I have developed. Most of them are related to automatic control and related materials.

SMCITOOL : Sliding Mode Control Interactive Tool.

WaterbedITOOL : Waterbed Interactive Tool.

Eines interactives per la docència del control digital.

Twin Rotor Library (Simulink).

Power Electronics :

ServoControl : A Virtual Laboratory developed to perform several Digital Control Experiments with a servomechanism.

ServoRelay : A virtual Laboratory to study the behaviour of a servomechanism in closed loop  with a relay.

Respilab : A virtual Laboratory to learn about the Human Respiratory Control System. (You need MATLAB to run this laboratory) 

Proto Magne : A virtual Laboratory to learn about the Repetitive Control Technique.

Parallel Plate: A virtual Laboratory to learn about the problems in MEMs devices.

Feel free to contact me about these virtual laboratories (ramon.costa@upc.edu