Ram Ramanathan

Ram Ramanathan

Principal Consultant

nLytica LLC

Westford, MA, USA.

Email : ram AT nlyticallc DOT com

Web : https://sites.google.com/site/ramanathanatbbn


Dr. Ram Ramanathan is the founder and principal consultant at nLytica LLC. He provides research and consulting services in computer networks and network science, specializing in mesh networks (aka MANET). He is currently also a Scientific Advisor for goTenna, for whom he helps invent, architect, and analyze networking protocols for decentralized off-grid mesh networks. Previously he was Principal Scientist at Raytheon BBN Technologies where he led several programs, primarily for DARPA.  Ram's current research areas broadly include wireless networks, network analysis and control algorithms, and network science. Over the course of his career, he has made contributions to the areas of scalable routing, topology control and the use of directional antennas in multihop mesh networks. 

Ram has published widely in international journals and conferences, including best paper award winning papers at IEEE MILCOM, IEEE INFOCOM, and ACM SIGCOMM. He has served on the program committees of several conferences including MobiCom, Mobihoc and Infocom, and was the TPC co-chair of Mobicom 2007.  Ram has served on the editorial boards of IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC) and Ad Hoc Networks journal, and was the Associate Editor-in-Chief of TMC. Ram received his Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, and received his M.S and Ph.D degrees in Computer and Information Sciences from the University of Delaware. He is a Fellow of the IEEE. Here's the full CV.