Ion/Micron Program Editor v0.2.1

Copyright 2005 Ralph Gonzalez

This is beta software, use at your own risk.

What it is. is a small freeware application which lets you graphically edit programs for the Alesis Ion and Alesis Micron synthesizers. It works in conjunction with Alesis' own Ion/Micron Program Decoder, which converts .syx files to/from a text representation. It will probably run on any platform, see Requirements below.

Other features include (1) near-realtime control (Windows and Linux versions) when you click a slider, checkbox, etc; (2) a Simple tab which groups the most commonly-used controls on a single pane for novice users or for simple patches.

What it isn't. is not a program librarian. See Paul Woodward's Ion Librarian Editor if this is what you want.

Requirements. Since both and Alesis' program decoder are written in Perl, you should be able to use the editor on any platform, including Amiga, Linux, Mac OS9, Mac OSX, Windows, etc (list of Perl distributions), provided you have a separate application for sending and receiving .syx files to/from your synth.

Please read the readme file carefully for details on setting up and using
