Club Championship 2014

Congratulations to the Division winners!

Division 1 - Trefor Owens

Division 2 - Gary Clifford

The format for the 2014 season's Club Championship is as follows:

There will be two divisions.

Games will be played with a clock; unless both players agree otherwise the rate of play shall be as follows:

  • Division 1: 35 moves in 75 minutes plus a 15 minute quickplay finish.

  • Division 2: 24 moves in 50 minutes plus a 15 minute quickplay finish.

To encourage games to be played, the first tie-break to be used shall be the "3-2-1" scoring system: three points shall be awarded for a win, two for a draw, one for a loss and none for an unplayed game.

The results of all games shall be submitted for grading.

The pairings for each round are shown below, refer to the Calendar of Events for the schedule.

The closing date for entries is Wednesday 4th June 2014.

The tournament controller is Martin Taylor.

The current standings are Club Championship 2014 Table

Division 1

Division 2