About Me

Who am I?

I am the comfort in grand ma’s lullabies

I am the innocence in childhood lies

I am the gaze in a lover’s eyes

I am the trust in a matrimony tie

I am the deceit in rolling dice

I am the shoulder to a million cries

I am the hope in an alibi

I am the nostalgia of gone byes

I am the last word in a dying man’s sighs

I am a story teller who touches LIVES!

©All Rights Reserved. Rahul Atrishi.2011

Rahul Atrishi is an international ideation expert and words-smith. He has conceptualized many popular T.V. reality shows in India; he has written across diverse media vehicles for national and international clients.

Be it Feature Films, Sitcoms, Soaps-operas, Animation Tele-series, Radio Scripts, Corporate AV’s, Short Films, Vignettes, Songs, Web Content-Articles, Short stories, Press Releases etc; he has proved his mettle time and again.

Rahul Atrishi is also the author of a fictional travelogue-The Karmic Confessions of a Hopeless Traveller! Buy it at Smashwords , Barnes & Noble and Apple iTunes