Victoria Raging Grannies

As mature women and social justice advocates, we feel that people who are affected by policies should be involved in setting them. As active, dedicated and sometimes elderly women we are deeply concerned that our grandchildren and their grandchildren for generations to come will inherit a peaceful, healthy planet.

To this end we use songs, sit-ins, and other gentle but vehement methods to bring about changes.

We sing against War and Violence, about Injustices in Canada and Around the World, about Municipal Political Issues, about Our Environment, about Provincial Political Issues, about Federal Political Issues, etc.

If you are a mature woman concerned about issues and wish to join us, please email . We are slow to answer but will eventually.

The Victoria Gaggle meets once a week on Thursday afternoon.

The Raging Grannies were first called to disorder in 1987 in Victoria, B.C. Canada -- and started an international movement. We are still going strong and celebrated our 25th anniversary in 2012.