Radnor Moths (VC43)

Please click on the underlined links below the photos to see the data files

These lists represent the current county moth list for Radnorshire (VC43).

Here you will find moth records from 1911 to the present. The data contains records from BIS (Biodiversity Information Service) and from members of the Radnor Moth Goup which was formed in 2007.

The data is in simple tables to allow for easy updating & faster loading.

Macro-moths are split into 4 parts as in "MOTHS of GB & Ireland" by Waring & Townsend.

Latest new species for Radnor:-

40.006 Mompha jurassicella (gen det)Pete & Ginny ClarkeGlasbury 14/02/24
17.001 Ypsolopha mucronellaPete & Ginny ClarkeGlasbury 14/04/24
49.363 Pammene argyranaDr Fred SlaterNewbridge 09/05/24
15.007 Caloptilia azaleellaRhodri Blakeway, Rhayader 25/05/24
37.046 Coleophora deauratellaPete & Ginny ClarkeGlasbury 06/06/24
52.008 Red-tipped ClearwingPete & Ginny ClarkeLlowes 26/06/24
37.032 Coleophora albitarsellaPete & Ginny ClarkeGlasbury 01/07/24
Triaxomasia caprimulgellaPete & Ginny ClarkeGlasbury 05/07/24

Species Summary:-

Species                             = The Radnor Species List with first & last sightings                      -updated to 30/06/24

 Species pdf                    = latest VC43 species list as PDF for Smart Phone or tablet   -updated to 30/06/24

1Km Cover                     = Number of species recorded per 1Km square                               -updated 31/12/23

2Km Cover                     = Number of species recorded per 2Km square                               -updated 31/12/23

10km Square 2023    = Number of species recorded per 10Km square                            -updated 31/12/23

10km Square 2020    = Number of species recorded per 10Km square to December 2020

10km Square 2010    = Number of species recorded per 10Km square to December 2010

10km Square 2003     = Number of species recorded per 10Km square to December 2003

Summary                          = Species & frequency summary of previous years                          -updated 31/12/23

Welsh Species pdf       = The Welsh Moth species list by VC                                        -at 31/12/21    (VC43 updated 16/07/24)

 Last Month  = Records sorted by date, ABH no.                                                                               -updated to 30/06/24

Distribution maps:-   

Macro Moth Species - maps     (updated as at End of Year 2023)

Micro Moth Species - maps       (updated as at End of Year 2023)  

RWT mag article spring 2017: 105 years of Mothing in Radnorshire        

Pete & Ginny's new Spanish moth species - Paper by Sjaak Koster in pdf  

Photo Gallery:-

Radnor Moth Group & New Species Photos - view         (last updated 16/07/24) 


Help Section:-

VC43HELP  = VC43 help & ID tips   including UK micro moth photo .zip for phone/tablet offline use

                                                                                              and UK micro moth info .pdf  for phone/tablet offline use

Links               = Some useful Links & Book list   Chris Manley 2nd edition - recommended.         

      Moth Database:- 


part1     = Hepialidae to Thyatiridae ABH family nos. 03,50,52,54,65,66,68,69

part2a  = Geometridae  ABH no. 70.001 - 70.074

part2b  = Geometridae ABH no. 70.075 - 70.144

part2c  = Geometridae  ABH no. 70.145 - 70.239

part2d  = Geometridae  ABH no. 70.240 - 70.305

part3a  = Sphingidae  ABH family no. 71.001 - 72.010

part3b  = Sphingidae  ABH family no. 72.013 - 72.084

part4a  = Noctuidae   ABH no. 73.001 - 73.155

part4b  = Noctuidae   ABH no. 73.156 - 73.248

part4c  = Noctuidae  ABH no. 73.249 - 73.331

part4d  = Noctuidae and Nolidae ABH no. 73.332 - 74.009


part5a  = Micros part1 Smaller micros and Plumes ABH family no. 01-48

part5b  = Micros part2 Tortricidae ABH family no. 49

part5c  = Micros part 3 Pyralidae  ABH family no. 62, 63


Whats new  = latest changes to the website

Contact us:- peteandginnycAThotmail.co.uk

Database Last updated 09/07/2024