Kieran Daly is a composer and guitarist with concentrations in electroacoustic and improvised music.

SYLVESTER ARIAS PLUS TWO (vi, 2024)split with Ashcircle (v, 2024)Chromatic Waltz And Normal Day / A Primer For The Gradual Understanding (with Chris Weisman) (v, 2024)What About Jophnie (iv, 2024)Complex envelope functions from nonlinear i/o and feature extraction etc. (split with Luciano Maggiore) (iii, 2024) • Four Improvisations (with Sam Weinberg) (i, 2024) • Monophonic Forms of Glissandi and Tempo Modulation (xii, 2023) • Four Slow-Fast Solos via Studio (x, 2023)  One- and two-channel electroacoustic pieces (v, 2023) • Period "buzz" period "honk" structure and bending impromptus (ii, 2023) • Something something "Lyapunov exponent" solos (i, 2023) • "Violin, Viola, Trombone, Tuba quartet" attempting to play tutti—"approximating tutti" (xii, 2022) • Plays Standards with Henry Fraser and Tom Rainey (x, 2022) • Live Concert (Single-Sided Split) (with Sam Weinberg) (ix, 2022) • Seven compositions for direct sound synthesis, fixed media, and musical instruments (viii, 2022) • Total Orderings for FLEA (iv, 2022) • Pre-recorded guitar monophony with unaccompanied improvisations (iii, 2022) • Quartet polyphony demonstration for double bass, guitar, piano, and violoncello (ii, 2022) Lag processing of low-frequency chaotic pulse train jitter, 1-4 (xii, 2021) A few sequential electroacoustic contributions (vii, 2021)
 • Very logical monophonic compositions for synthesized sound (vi, 2021)
 • Patriarchal Music (v, 2021)
 • Untitled discrete arbitrary input functions—polyphony—for harpsichord after Brianna and Kassidy (xii, 2020)
 Plays Standards (xii, 2019) • 
CODE573 (xi, 2019) • 
Untitled (xi, 2018) • 
Slate—Early (with Jason Roebke) (iii, 2018)
 • Derrison (with Sam Sfirri) (v, 2017) • KIERAN IN A HOLE (xi, 2017)
 • untitled pluff BGM w ossias (xi, 2016)
 • Group's Schedule (iv, 2015)
 • Music and Pyrrhonism Without Us (xii, 2014)
 • BGM MNAR (x, 2014)
 • Suspended (of) the formal capacity to sample and thereby preserve such samples according to the conditions from which they appeared (i, 2014)
 • Apsirs Rehearsal (vi, 2013)
 • Plays / For Theatre (viii, 2011)
 • And Death I Think Is No Parenthesis (viii, 2008)