Welcome to the Finkelstein-Shapiro group!


Nov 11 , 2022. Our collaborative work on the ultrafast dynamics of LHII inside cavities is published in Nature Communications!

Wu, F., Finkelstein-Shapiro, D., Wang, M. et al. Optical cavity-mediated exciton dynamics in photosynthetic light harvesting 2 complexes. Nat Commun 13, 6864 (2022).

Oct 20, 2022. Our colleagues from CEA-Saclay visit under the auspices of an ECOS-Nord to work on polariton states and singlet fission

Aug 23, 2022. Diana and Eduardo join our group as Master students. Welcome!

May 31st 2021. Eduardo Domínguez joins the group to work on the synthesis of decorated metal and semiconducting nanoparticles and their assembly into suprastructures.


March 26th 2021. New publication on the relaxation pathways of polaritonic states existing in molecule-plasmon systems.

Daniel Finkelstein-Shapiro, Pierre-Adrien Mante, Sema Sarisozen, Lukas Wittenbecher, Iulia Minda, Sinan Balci, Tonu Pullerits, and Donatas Zigmantas, Understanding radiative transitions and relaxation pathways in plexcitons, Chem, 7, 2021, 1092 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chempr.2021.02.028)

March 8th 2021. Marco Iván Jiménez Ramírez joins the group to work on DOSY measurements and Raman spectroscopy of functionalized metallic nanoparticles. Welcome!

Nov. 1st 2020. It begins!