Stay hungry. Stay foolish.

Qilian (Vision) Yu


Senior AI Scientist

Electronic Arts


Qilian (Vision) Yu, Ph.D, Senior AI Scientist

Recent Update: 01/02/2022

Major Awards and Honors:

  • 2017: Department Start-Up Grants.

  • 2016: NSF Travel Grants.

  • 2014: Excellent Student in Chu Kochen Honor College.


  • Industrial:

  • Academia:

    • 2021: Reviewer for ICDT

    • 2020: Reviewer for IET Smart Grid, ICDT

    • 2019: Reviewer for T-IFS, IEEE SPAWC, IET Smart Grid, IET Communications.

    • 2018: Reviewer for IEEE WCNC.

    • 2018: Graduate Student Researcher.

    • 2017: Reviewer for IEEE WCNC.

    • 2017: Teaching Assistant for EEC 289M (System Theory).

    • 2017: Session Chair for Emerging Technologies, Architectures and Services, WCNC.

    • 2016: Data Analyst in Presidential Election Twitter Project.

I am a scientist by weekday, a photographer by weekend. I started my photography journey when I was still a high school kid, and so far I have spent over 10 years in photography. Like I am strongly aggressive in Engineering, I like to try everything new in photography techniques. I am not scared by the rainstorm or tsunami since I can show the thing others have never seen before and I can image how surprised people are when they see my works.

The only thing I want to show you is how beautiful the world is.