Yuhan Peng (彭禹涵)

Software Engineer, Google

51 Breithaupt St, Suite 101

Kitchener, ON N2H 5G5, Canada


yuhanpeng119 AT gmail.com

Biography (CV, LinkedIn, M.S. Thesis, Ph.D. Thesis, Google Scholar)

I am a Software Engineer at Google. Currently, I am working on improving the query experience and testing framework of Cloud Bigtable. My previous projects at Google include accidental deletion prevention for Cloud Bigtable, as well as telemetry and firmware support for Google SSDs.

I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from Rice University in 2020, under the supervision of Prof. Peter Varman. For my Ph.D., I focused on QoS algorithms for distributed storage systems. I received my M.S. in Computer Science from Rice University in 2017, under the supervision of Prof. Vivek Sarkar. I received my B.Sc degree in Computer Science with First Class Honors from Hong Kong Baptist University in 2014, with a minor degree in Applied Mathematics.

Hobbies (Bilibili, Google Photos, Instagram, YouTube, Zhihu)

I like hiking and travelling, and I have visited 57 national parks in the USA (travel notes in Chinese) and 15 national parks in Canada (travel notes in Chinese).

I am also a Railfan, especially in railroad crossings and urban rail transit systems (related videos).