Welcome to the
MAST PTSA Website!
To Visit the School's Website and Access the School Calendar, go to the MAST website.
Why Join the MAST Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) ?
Please consider joining or renewing your PTSA membership. Last year, the PTSA spent over $35,000 on these projects:
$10,000 in scholarships awarded to our graduating class
Class trips & Travel expenses for MAST student competitive teams
Drill team
Campus improvements
Incoming freshmen contribution and student planners
Senior activities such as Anchor Signing, Breakfast, Graduation
Hospitality Service for Information Sessions and Teacher Appreciations
For your membership, you will have access to our online family directory as well as receive informational emails that will help you stay connected to what’s going on at MAST.
Our goal is to have 100% participation of MAST families.
Membership forms may be sent in at anytime, but you must be a current MAST PTSA member to chair or volunteer for a committee or vote in a PTSA election.
⚓ Our Mission ⚓
The MAST PTSA's mission is to assist the Marine Academy of Science and Technology's faculty, staff, and students in achieving their academic goals, while promoting a spirit of excellence, camaraderie and leadership.
Click here to view the MAST PTSA Bylaws
Parent Teacher Student Association
2023-2024 Board Members
President: Jennifer Collins (2025)
Vice President: Lisa Cordova (2026)
Treasurer: Rosemary Frappier (2026)
Recording Secretary: Kim Bracken (2024)
Corresponding Secretary: Aimee Emerson (2025)
2023 - 2024 PTSA Meeting Schedule - All meetings will begin at 6:30pm and be held in Building 77
Upcoming Meetings:
○ December 6, 2023, Wednesday 6:30-7:30pm
○ February 7, 2024, Wednesday 6:30-7:30pm
○ March 6, 2024, Wednesday 6:30-7:30pm
○ May 8, 2024, Wednesday 6:30-7:30pm
○ June 5, 2024, Wednesday 6:30-7:30pm
Other Important Dates
Gift Auction 3/22
Family Picnic 5/22
Prom 5/31
Freshmen Information
Schedules for freshman will be mailed/emailed by end of August/beginning of September along with a packet of other materials.
Around the same time all other students' schedules will be available on PowerSchool.
Click HERE for the Membership Form.
Directory Toolkit
Our family directory is available to all PTSA members at Toolkit. If you have not renewed your membership or would like to register for the first time, please contact: Megan Hesterhagen at mastptsamember@gmail.com.
What’s so great about the online directory?
It’s secure – your family will have a unique login and password and the directory can’t be lost or stolen.
You can search by student’s first name, grade, or family last name.
You can create your own custom list of frequently called families.
You can access the family directory from any internet connected device: your computer, smartphone, iPad, etc.
You can update your family’s information throughout the school year if anything changes.
Is it secure? YES! All data is stored behind secure firewalls and can only be accessed by authorized users with a validated username and encrypted password. All data is viewed and passed using SSL encryption.