Seminar on knot homologies

The talks take place online on Thursdays, 10:00-11:30.


  1. Oct 1. Pavel: Knot polynomials. Reidemeister and Markov moves. Notes.

  2. Oct 8. Alisa: Khovanov homology. Notes.

  3. Oct 15. Patrick: Khovanov-Rozansky sl(n) homology. Notes.

  4. Oct 22. Sam: Soergel bimodules. Notes.

  5. Oct 29. Sam: HOMFLYPT knot homology. Notes.

  6. Nov 5. Dougal: Geometric construction of the HOMFLYPT knot homology. Notes.

  7. Nov 12. Kai: Symplectic Khovanov homology. Notes.

  8. Nov 19. Cheuk Yu: Comparison of the symplectic and combinatorial Khovanov homology. Notes.

  9. Nov 26. Matt: Khovanov homology via derived categories of coherent sheaves. Notes.

  10. Dec 3. Tudor: Khovanov homology from physics. Notes.
