The second workshop of the NetLang Project took place on Nov. 29, 2019, and was meant for the linguist members of the team. Four international colleagues participated in person: Jan (Brno), Liisi (Tartu), Minna (Helsinki), and Wladek (Krakow). Rita and Joana, from Lisbon and Bragança respectively, were also present. From home were another four members: Isabel, Idalete, Daria, and Pilar. Besides linguists, the two informatics engineers of the team, Pedro and Cristiana, also took part, to explain the results and challenges of the extraction process of the corpora so far. A guest international expert, Darja Fiser, from Ljubljana University, delivered the morning lecture and an afternoon prompt to the hands-on session at the computer lab.

The following pictures take us back to several moments of this most fruitful day: