This was the first in the series of Open Seminars by Team Members, aimed at bringing together the different approaches to the topic of online hate speech which each participant has adopted. It took place on Feb. 26, 2019, at 2pm, in Meeting Room nº 2, at ILCH.

Two linguist team members were in charge of the presentations, namely:

  • Liisi Laineste (Tartu University, Estonia): “Ethnic slurs and other dysphemes in news sites' comments”

  • Jan Chovanec (Brno University – Czech Republic): "Online Comment Discourse”

Seven members of the team were present in person: Isabel, Idalete, Pilar, Orlando, Marlene, Paulo (on behalf of Beatriz), and Cristiana. An external participant was Patrícia. Online were Rita, Joana, and Pedro Freitas, from other cities in Portugal (Lisbon, Bragança and Porto, respectively), as well as Liisi (from Tartu), Jan (from Brno), and Wladek (from Krakow).

The seminar prompted a lively discussion, some moments of which the following photos illustrate: