– Enter Activation Code

If you want to Watch anywhere, anytime. You need to Prime video enter code. Watch movies and TV shows on the web at or with primevideo app on your iOS and Android phone.

Unlimited, ad-free access to playlists, stations, and millions of songs and albums at no additional cost check link for more details at . Only Prime members get deals on certain products.

How to get Prime video Activation Code?

Prime video enter code 6-characters see on the online web portal– This code looks like: MMYNTZ .

Stream Prime Video on Device Using

  1. To register, tap on the signup option.

  2. Now user enter the details asked like your desired username, email id, birth date, etc.

  3. Secure the details with a strong password.

  4. Choose your subscription plan that you can want and click create an account.

  5. Open your web browser and visit

  6. Sign up for your prime video account using your email id/username and password.

  7. Go to my account section, you will see a download button and you have to click on it.

  8. Wait for the downloading process to end.

  9. Double-tap the file to run it.

  10. The Installation process may take a few seconds.

  11. The download and installation process is completed.

  12. Save the Unique verification code that appeared on the screen

  13. Enter code prime video mytv tv at webpage.

  14. Now you can stream unlimited movies and TV episodes on the prime video app.