Public Essays

American Crises: Mental Health and Political Polarization

 The Electric Agora, 2022

In Defense of Philosophy: Analytic, Pragmatist, and Transcendental

 The Electric Agora, 2021

“Education as a Public Resource for Addressing American Political Polarization”

 Civil American, 2020

“Now May Be the Time To Transition to Tutorial Instruction”

Daily Nous, 2020

“A Crisis of Trust in News Media Institutions:  What the Covington Episode Can Teach Us” 

Uncommon Ground , (formerly Conatus News) 2019

“Are Students Increasingly Hostile to Free Expression on Campus?  Look to Behaviors, not Surveys”

Heterodox Academy, 2018; republished in Introducing Issues with Opposing Viewpoints: Student Protests, edited by Martin Gitlin, pp.40-5. New York: Greenhaven Publishing, 2020. 

“The Evidence Supporting Pre-College Instruction in Philosophy”

Daily Nous, 2018

“On the Benefits of Philosophical Instruction”

Quillette, 2018

“Teaching Philosophy Outside the University”

Leiter Reports, 2017

“Why Call for Heterodoxy in the Academy?”

Heterodox Academy, 2017

“Reassessing Cultural Divisions in the United States”

Quillette, 2017

“On the Role of the Public Intellectual in the United States”

Heterodox Academy, 2016