Philosophy for Children

Working with Studium Consulting, in the spring of 2017 I coordinated and taught a course on philosophy for children at Woolslair Elementary in Pittsburgh. In the Summer of that year I taught a similar course at the Ellis School in Pittsburgh, and in the spring of 2018 I taught courses at Emerson Elementary and Chief Joseph Middle School, both in Bozeman, Montana. During the 2018-19 school year I gave a series of lectures at Jk Tyla Gymnasium in Hradec Králové, and in the 2019-20 school year I am organizing a year-long course of instruction at JK Tyla with the facutly and graduate students at the University of Hradec Králové . More information about these projects can be found here and here.

Beginning in the Fall of 2021, I am the program manager and principal instructor for a project titled Critical Thinking about Social Media, which brings media literacy into middle school and high school classrooms in Montana. This project is supported by Humanities Montana and hosted by the Center for Science, Technology, Ethics, and Society at Montana State University. Along with Kristen Intemann and Bonnie Sheehey of MSU, I am creating brief discussion videos and lesson plans with themes concerning responsible media consumption, and in the Spring of 2022 we are bringing this work into schools in Montana.