

1. Computer Fundamentals

2. Algorithms and Flowcharts

3. Introduction to C Programming

4. Data Types, Variables and Constants

5. C Operators

6. Recapitulation and Introduction to Precedence of Operators

7. Decision Control Structures

8. Case Control Structures

9. Revision Class and Conditional Operators

10. While and Do-While Loops

11. For Loop and Some Examples with Loops

12. C Functions

13 Recursive Functions

14 Introduction to Arrays

15 Arrays and Pointers - 1

16 Arrays and Pointers - 2

17 Arrays and Pointers - 3

18 Arrays and Pointers - 4

19 Strings - 1

20 Strings - 2

21 Strings - 3

22 Structures - 1

23 Structures - 2

24. Storage Classes and Constant Qualifier


Basics of LINUX

List of Common Shell Commands


1. Let Us C by Yashavant Kanetkar

2. Programming in ANSI C by E. Balagurusamy

3. Pointers in C by Yashavant Kanetkar

Students who are willing to practise C programming on Windows Platform may download the Dev C++ compiler from here. It supports both C and C++. Just save your program with .c extension.

Please note that in laboratory sessions and examinations you have to write and execute C programs on LINUX platform.