Conservation Biogeography



2020-Onwards Researcher | French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD), AMAP lab, France & Reunion

2019-2020 Postdoctoral Fellow | IRD, AMAP lab, France

2018-2019 Associate Professor | Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Plant Evolutionary Ecology and Conservation, Taizhou University, China

2013-2018 Postdoctoral Fellow | IRD & Agronomy Institute of New Caledonia, AMAP lab, New Caledonia

2012-2013 Postdoctoral Fellow | The Bio-Protection Research Centre, Lincoln University, New Zealand


2013-2017 Lecturer | University of New Caledonia, New Caledonia

2009-2011 Teaching Fellow | University of French Polynesia, French Polynesia


2011 PhD Remote Sensing | University of French Polynesia, French Polynesia

2008 MSc Ecosystem Functioning | University of Montpellier, France

2006 BSc Organismal Biology | University of Montpellier, France

2003 Preparatory Class of International Agro-Development College | ISTOM, France

2002 A-Level | French high-school of Dakar, Senegal


45. Kumschick, S., Journiac, L., Boulesnane-Genguant, O., Botella, C., Pouteau, R., Rouget, M. (2024). Mapping potential environmental impacts of alien species in the face of climate change. Biological Invasions, in press.

44. Picard, J., Nungi-Pambu Dembi, M.M., Barnier, N., Cornu, G., Couteron, P., Forni, E., Gibbon, G., Lim, F., Ploton, P., Pouteau, R., Tresson, P., van Loom, T., Viennois, G., Réjou-Méchain, M. (2024). Combining satellite and field data reveals Congo's forest types structure, functioning, and composition. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, in press.

43. Pouteau, R., Picard, J., Doumenge, C., Brncic, T., Gillet, J.-F., Doucet, J.-L., Gourlet-Fleury, S., Kimpouni, V., Loumeto, J.-J., Pélissier, R., Réjou-Méchain, M. (2024). The puzzling ecology of African Marantaceae forests. American Journal of Botany, e16320.

42. Dong, B.-C., Yang, Q., Kinlock, N., Pouteau, R., Pyšek, P., Weigelt, P., Yu, F.-H., van Kleunen, M. (2024). Naturalization of introduced plants is driven by life-form-dependent cultivation biases. Diversity and Distributions, 30, 5570.

41. Heymans, L., Meyer, J.-Y., Ah-Peng, C., Ethève, Q., Flores, O., Lavergne, C., Mallet, B., Parlevliet, H., Strasberg, D., Pouteau, R. (2023). Do native and alien species differ in their ecological strategies? A test with woody plants in tropical rainforests on Réunion Island (Mascarene archipelago, Indian Ocean). Plants, 12, 3990.

40. Pouteau, R., van Kleunen, M., Strasberg, D. (2023). Closely related aliens lead to greater extinction risk. Biological Conservation, 284, 110148.

39. Fabre-Barroso, S., Flores, O., Palmas, P., Pouteau, R., Meyer, J.-Y. (2023). A comparative study of the floristic diversity and structure of relictual littoral and swamp forests in the island of Tahiti (French Polynesia, South Pacific). Pacific Science, 77, 233251.

38. Reiter, K., Plutzar, C., Moser, D., Semenchuk, P., Erb, K.-H., Essl, F., Gattringer, A., Haberl, H., Krausmann, F., Lenzner, B., Wessely, J., Matej, S., Pouteau, R., Dullinger, S. (2023). Human appropriation of net primary production as driver of change in landscape-scale vertebrate richness. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 32, 855866.

37. Meyer, J.-Y., Pouteau, R., Vincent, F. (2022). Assessing habitat suitability for the translocation of Ochrosia tahitensis (Apocynaceae), a critically endangered endemic plant from the island of Tahiti (South Pacific). Journal for Nature Conservation, 68, 126198.

36. Pouteau, R., Brunel, C., Dawson, W., Essl, F., Kreft, H., Lenzner, B., Meyer, C., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Seebens, H., Weigelt, P., Winter, M., van Kleunen, M. (2022). Environmental and socioeconomic correlates of extinction risk in endemic species. Diversity and Distributions, 28, 5364.

35. Yang, Q., Weigelt, P., Fristoe, T.S., Zhang, Z., Kreft, H., Stein, A., Seebens, H., Dawson, W., Essl, F., König, C., Lenzner, B., Pergl, J., Pouteau, R., Pyšek, P., Winter, M., Ebel, A.L., Fuentes, N., Giehl, E.L.H., Kartesz, J., Krestov, P., Kukk, T., Nishino, M., Nikolaevich, K.A., Villaseñor, J.L., Wieringa, J.J., Zedam, A., Zykova, E., van Kleunen, M. (2021). The global loss of floristic uniqueness. Nature Communications, 12, 7290.

34. Wan, J.-Z.,  Wang, C.-J., Zimmermann, N.E., Li, M.-H., Pouteau, R., Yu, F.-H. (2021). Current and future plant invasions in protected areas: does clonality matter? Diversity and Distributions, 27, 24652478.

33. Pouteau, R., Biurrun, I., Brunel, C., Chytrý, M., Dawson, W., Essl, F., Fristoe, T., Haveman, R., Hobohm, C., Jansen, F., Kreft, H., Lenoir, J., Lenzner, B., Meyer, C., Moeslund, J.E., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Svenning, J.-C., Thuiller, W., Weigelt, P., Wohlgemuth, T., Yang, Q., van Kleunen, M. (2021). Potential alien ranges of European plants will shrink in the future, but less so for already naturalized than for not yet naturalized species. Diversity and Distributions, 27, 20632076.

32. Ismail, S.A., Pouteau, R., van Kleunen, M., Maurel, N., Kueffer, C. (2021). Horticultural plant use as a so-far neglected pillar of ex-situ conservation. Conservation Letters, 14, e12825.

31. Pouteau, R., Thuiller, W., Hobohm, C., Brunel, C., Conn, B., Dawson, W., de Sá Dechoum, M., Ebel, A. , Essl, F., Fragman-Sapir, O., Fristoe, T., Jogan, N., Kreft, H., Lenzner, B., Meyer, C., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Verkhozna, A., Weigelt, P., Yang, Q., Zykova, E., Aćić, S., Agrillo, E., Attorre, F., Bergamini, A., Berg, C., Bergmeier, E., Biurrun, I., Boch, S., Bonari, G., Botta-Dukát, Z., Bruelheide, H., Campos, J.A., Čarni, A., Casella, L., Carranza, M., Chytrý, M., Ćušterevska, R., De Sanctis, M., Dengler, J., Dimopoulos, P., Ejrnæs, R., Ewald, J., Fernández-González, F., Gavilán, R., Fanelli, G., Gégout, J.-C., Haveman, R., Jandt, U., Isermann, M., Jansen, F., Jiménez-Alfaro, B., Kavgacı, A., Khanina, L., Knollová, I., Kuzemko, A., Lebedeva, M., Lenoir, J., Lysenko, T., Marcenò, C., Martynenko, V., Moeslund, J.E., Pätsch, R., Pielech, R., Rašomavičius, V., de Ronde, I., Ruprecht, E., Rūsiņa, S., Shirokikh, P., Sibik, J., Šilc, U., Stanisci, A., Stančić, Z., Svenning, J.-C., Swacha, G., Turtureanu, P., Valachovič, M., Vassilev, K., Yamalov, S., van Kleunen, M. (2021). Climate and socio-economic factors explain differences between observed and expected naturalization patterns of European plants around the world. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30, 1514–1531. 

30. Pillon, Y., Jaffré, T., Birnbaum, P., Bruy, D., Cluzel, D., Ducousso, M., Fogliani, B., Ibanez, T., Jourdan, H., Lagarde, L., Léopold, A., Munzinger, J., Pouteau, R., Read, J., Isnard, S. (2021). Infertile landscapes on an old oceanic island: the biodiversity hotspot of New Caledonia. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, blaa146. 

29. Brunel, C., Pouteau, R., Dawson, W., Pester, M., Ramirez, K.S., van Kleunen, M. (2020). Towards unraveling macroecological patterns in rhizosphere microbiomes. Trends in Plant Science, 25, 10171029.

28. Wan, J., Oduor, A.M.O., Pouteau, R., Wang, B., Chen, L., Yang, B., Yu, F., Li, J. (2020). Can polyploidy confer invasive plants with a wider climatic tolerance? A test using Solidago canadensis. Ecology and Evolution, 10, 56175630.

27. Pouteau, R., Trueba, S., Isnard, S. (2020). Retracing the contours of the early angiosperm environmental niche. Annals of Botany, 125, 4957. 

26. Brunel, C., Beifen, Y., Pouteau, R., van Kleunen, M., Li, J. (2020). Responses of rhizospheric microbial communities of native and alien plant species to Cuscuta parasitism. Microbial Ecology, 79, 617630.

25. Pouteau, R., Munoz, F., Birnbaum, P. (2019). Disentangling the processes driving tree community assembly in a tropical biodiversity hotspot (New Caledonia). Journal of Biogeography, 46, 796806. 

24. Toublanc-Lambault, O., Pouteau, R., Davezies, M., Marron, M., Pain, A., Fogliani, B., Marmey, P. (2019). Environmental correlates for seed dessiccation sensitivity of New Caledonian plant species. Pacific Science, 73, 231–248.

23. Libeau, M., Meyer, J.-Y., Taputuarai, R., Pouteau, R. (2019). Predicting the invasion risk of Miconia calvescens in the Marquesas Islands (South Pacific): a modeling approach. Pacific Science, 73, 1734. 

22. Ibanez, T., Birnbaum, P., Gâteblé, G., Hequet, V., Isnard, S., Munzinger, J., Pillon, Y., Pouteau, R., Vandrot, H., Jaffré, T. (2018). Twenty years after Jaffré et al. (1998), is the system of protected areas now adequate in New Caledonia? Biodiversity and Conservation, 28, 245254. 

21. Pouteau, R., Gillespie, T.W., Birnbaum, P. (2018). Predicting tropical tree species richness from NDVI time series: the devil is perhaps not in the detail. Remote Sensing, 10, 698.

20. Pouteau, R., Giambelluca, T., Ah-Peng, C., Meyer, J.-Y. (2018). Will climate change shift the lower ecotone of tropical montane cloud forests upwards on islands? Journal of Biogeography, 45, 13261333. 

19. Ibanez, T., Blanchard, E., Hequet, V., Keppel, G., Laidlaw, M., Pouteau, R., Vandrot, H., Birnbaum, P. (2018). High endemism and stem density distinguish New Caledonian from other high-diversity rainforests in the Southwest Pacific. Annals of Botany, 121, 2535. 

18. Schmitt, S., Pouteau, R., Justeau, D., de Boissieu, F., Birnbaum, P. (2017). SSDM: an R package to predict distribution of species richness and composition based on stacked species distribution models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 1795–1803.

17. Trueba, S., Pouteau, R., Lens, F., Feild, T.S., Isnard, S., Olson, M.E., Delzon, S. (2017). Vulnerability to xylem embolism as a major correlate of the environmental distribution of rainforest species on a tropical island. Plant, Cell & Environment, 40, 277289.

16. Pouteau, R., Meyer, J.-Y., Blanchard, P., Nitta, J.H., Terorotua, R., Taputuarai, R. (2016). Fern species richness and abundance are indicators of climate change on high-elevation islands: evidence from an elevational gradient on Tahiti (French Polynesia). Climatic Change, 148, 143156. 

15. Pouteau, R., Birnbaum, P. (2016). Island biodiversity hotspots are getting hotter: vulnerability of tree species to climate change in New Caledonia. Biological Conservation, 201, 111119. 

14. Blanchard, E., Birnbaum, P., Ibanez, T., Boutreux, T., Antin, C., Ploton, P., Vincent, G., Pouteau, R., Vandrot, H., Hequet, V., Barbier, N., Droissart, V., Sonké, B., Texier, N., Kamdem, N.G., Zebaze, D., Libalah, M., Couteron, P. (2016). Contrasted allometries between stem diameter, crown area and tree height in five tropical biogeographic areas. Trees Structure and Fonction, 6, 19531968. 

13. Larrue, S., Daehler, C., Meyer, J.-Y., Pouteau, R., Voldoire, O. (2016). Elevational distribution and photosynthetic characteristics of the invasive tree Spathodea campanulata on the island of Tahiti (South Pacific Ocean). Neobiota, 30, 127149.

12. Birnbaum, P., Ibanez, T., Pouteau, R., Vandrot, H., Hequet, V., Blanchard, E., Jaffré, T. (2015). Environmental correlates for tree occurrences, species distribution and richness on a high-elevation tropical island. AoB PLANTS, 7, plv075.

11. Pouteau, R., Bayle, E., Blanchard, E., Birnbaum, P., Cassan, J.-J., Hequet, V., Ibanez, T., Vandrot, H. (2015). Accounting for the indirect area effect in stacked species distribution models to map species richness in a montane biodiversity hotspot. Diversity and Distributions, 21, 19291938.

10. Pouteau, R., Trueba, S., Feild, T.S., Isnard, S. (2015). New Caledonia: a Pleistocene refugium for rain forest lineages of relict angiosperms. Journal of Biogeography, 42, 20622077. 

9. Fourcade, F., Pouteau, R., Jaffré, T., Marmey, P. (2015). In situ observations of the basal angiosperm Amborella trichopoda reveal a long fruiting cycle overlapping two annual flowering periods. Journal of Plant Research, 128, 821828. 

8. Pouteau, R., Hulme, P.E., Duncan, R.P. (2015). Widespread native and alien plant species occupy different habitats. Ecography, 68, 462471. 

7. Pouteau, R., Meyer, J.-Y., Larrue, S. (2015). Using range filling rather than prevalence of invasive plant species for management prioritisation: the case of Spathodea campanulata in the Society Islands (South Pacific). Ecological Indicators, 54, 8795. 

6. Meyer, J.-Y., Pouteau, R., Spotswood, E., Taputuarai, R., Fourdrigniez, M. (2015). The importance of novel and hybrid habitats for plant conservation on islands: a case study from Moorea (South Pacific). Biodiversity and Conservation, 24, 83101. 

5. Pouteau, R., Collin, A. (2013). Spatial location and ecological content of support vectors in an SVM classification of tropical vegetation. Remote Sensing Letters, 4, 686695. 

4. Pouteau, R., Stoll, B. (2012). SVM selective fusion (SELF) for multi-source classification of structurally complex tropical rainforest. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 5, 12031212. 

3. Pouteau, R., Meyer, J.-Y., Taputuarai, R., Stoll, B. (2012). Support vector machines to map rare and endangered native plants in Pacific islands forests. Ecological Informatics, 9, 3746. 

2. Pouteau, R., Meyer, J.-Y., Stoll, B. (2011). A SVM-based model for predicting distribution of the invasive tree Miconia calvescens in tropical rainforests. Ecological Modelling, 222, 26312641.

1. Pouteau, R., Rambal, S., Ratte, J.-P., Gogé, F., Joffre, R., Winkel, T. (2011). Downscaling MODIS-derived maps using GIS and boosted regression trees: the case of frost occurrence over the arid Andean highlands of Bolivia. Remote Sensing of Environment, 115, 117129.


4. Birnbaum, P., Hequet, V., Girardi, J., Vandrot, H., Mangeard, T., Ibanez, T., Blanchard, E., Pouteau, R., Blanchard, G., Justeau-Allaire, D., Vieilledent, G., Cassan, J.-J. (2022). Atlas de la forêt, Province Nord Nouvelle-Calédonie. Editions de la Province Nord, Kohné.

3. Birnbaum, P., Ibanez, T., Vandrot, H., Blanchard, E., Hequet, V., Chambrey, C., Pouteau, R. (2016). Les forêts humides de la province Nord, Nouvelle-Calédonie. IAC, Noumea.

2. Collin, A., Chancerelle, Y., Pouteau, R. (2014). Reefscape ecology within the South Pacific: Confluence of the Polynesia mana network and very high resolution satellite remote sensing. In: Musard, O., Le Dû-Blayo, L., Francour, P., Beurier, J.-P., Feunteun, E., Talassinos, L. (Eds.), Underwater Seascapes - From geographical to ecological perspectives. Springer, Berlin, pp. 245-262. 

1. Pouteau, R., Meyer, J.-Y., Fourdrigniez, M., Taputuarai, R. (2013). Novel ecosystems in the Pacific Islands: assessing loss, fragmentation and alteration of native forests by invasive alien plants on the island of Moorea (French Polynesia). In: Larrue, S. (Ed.), Biodiversity and Societies in the Pacific Islands. Presses Universitaires de Provence & The Australian National University e-Press, pp. 19-33. 


10. Pouteau, R., Collin, A., Archambault, P., Stoll, B. (2013). Modelling reef health from upstream socio-ecological components using GIS and RS. Proc. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Melbourne (Australia), pp. 306-309. | Talk. 

9. Pouteau, R., Stoll, B. (2011). Fusion for classes in difficulty for accurate and speed tropical rainforests classification. Proc. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Vancouver (Canada), pp. 740-743. | Talk. 

8. Pouteau, R., Collin, A., Stoll, B. (2011). A comparison of machine learning algorithms for classification of tropical ecosystems observed by multiple sensors at multiple scales. Proc. International Symposium for Remote Sensing of Environment, Sydney (Australia). | Talk. 

7. Pouteau, R., Lardeux, C., Stoll, B., Chabrier, S. (2011). Toward an optimal fusion scheme for multisource vegetation classification. Proc. International Symposium for Remote Sensing of Environment, Sydney (Australia). | Talk. 

6. Pouteau, R., Meyer, J.-Y., Taputuarai, R., Stoll, B. (2011). A comparison between GARP model and SVM regression to predict species potential distribution: mapping the invasive Miconia calvescens on Moorea, French Polynesia. Proc. International Symposium for Remote Sensing of Environment, Sydney (Australia). | Talk. 

5. Pouteau, R., Stoll, B., Chabrier, S. (2010). Support vector machine fusion of multisensor imagery in tropical ecosystems. In: Djemal, K., Deriche, M. (Eds.) Proc. International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications, Paris (France), pp. 325‑329. | Talk. 

4. Pouteau, R., Stoll, B., Chabrier, S. (2010). Multi-source SVM fusion for environmental monitoring in the Marquesas archipelago. Proc. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Honolulu (Hawaii), pp. 2719-2722. | Poster. 

3. Pouteau, R., Stoll, B., Chabrier, S. (2010). Ground truth method assessment for SVM based landscape classification. Proc. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Honolulu (Hawaii), pp. 2715-2718. | Poster. 

2. Winkel, T., Pouteau, R., Rambal, S., Joffre, R., Ratte, J.-P., Gogé, F. (2010). Heladas imprevistas entre cerros quietos: un método para evaluar y mapear los riesgos de helada en el altiplano sur de Bolivia mediante información topográfica y satelital. Proc. Congreso Mundial de la Quinua, Oruro (Bolivia). | Talk.  [Spanish]

1. Pouteau, R., Winkel, T., Rambal, S., Ratte, J.-P. (2009). Downscaling frost risks derivated from MODIS surface temperature using oro-topographic descriptors. Proc. Pacific Science Inter-Congress, Papeete (French Polynesia). | Poster. 


19. Sheik Abbass, M.I.Z.A., Baider, C., Pouteau, R., Florens, V. (2024). Application of spatial conservation prioritization for terrestrial ecosystem management: a tropical island oriented global systematic review. European Conference of Tropical Ecology, Lisbon (Portugal). | Talk.

18. Picard, J., Barbier, N., Couteron, P., Gibbon, G., Groëau, H., Lim, F., Nungi-Pambu, M.M., Ploton, P., Pouteau, R., Tresson, P., Viennois, G., Réjou-Méchain, M. (2024). Mapping tropical forest types and associated floristic, functional and faunistic composition in central Africa. European Conference of Tropical Ecology, Lisbon (Portugal). | Talk.

17. Lim, F., Barbier, N., Picard, J., Tresson, P., Couteron, P., Feurer, D., Gourlet-Fleury, S., Paka, E., Pélissier, R., Pinet, C., Pouteau, R., Viennois, G., Vinatier, F., Réjou-Méchain, M. (2023). Exploring the long-term structure and stability of degraded forests in Central Africa through 3D reconstruction from historical photographs. Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Coimbatore (India). | Talk.

16. Schmitt, S., Pouteau, R., Justeau, D., De Boissieu, F., Birnbaum, P. (2019). SSDM: An R package to predict distribution of species richness and composition based on stacked species distribution models. International Biogeography Society meeting, Quito (Ecuador). | Poster.

15. Pouteau, R., Giambelluca, T., Ah-Peng, C., Meyer, J.-Y. (2019). Will climate change shift tropical montane cloud forests upwards on islands? Island Biology, La Réunion (France). | Talk.

14. Birnbaum, P., Ibanez, T., Pouteau, R., Vandrot, H., Hequet, V., Blanchard, G., Girardi, J., Justeau-Allaire, D., Cassan, J.-J. (2019). Do endemic trees make endemic forests? Insights from New Caledonia. Island Biology, La Réunion (France). | Talk.

13. Toublanc-Lambault, O., Pouteau, R., Davezies, M., Marron, M., Pain, A., Fogliani, B., Marmey, P. (2019).  Prediction of seed dessiccation sensitivity of New Caledonia plant species: a tool for the preservation, restoration and conservation of biodiversity. IPBES Oceania, Nouméa (New Caledonia). | Poster.

12. Meyer, J.-Y., Pouteau, R., Libeau, M.,Taputuarai, R. (2018). The invasive tree Miconia calvescens, a global threat to tropical island forest ecosystems worldwide: mapping its current and potential distribution. International Conference on Environmental Future, Honolulu (Hawaii). | Talk.

11. Libeau, M., Pouteau, R., Taputuarai, R., Meyer, J.-Y. (2017). Predicting the risk of plant invasion on islands: the case of Miconia calvescens in the Marquesas, French Polynesia (South Pacific). Island Invasives, Dundee (Scotland). | Poster.

10. Pouteau, R. (2016). Les modèles de distribution d’espèces en appui à la conservation de la biodiversité terrestre dans les îles du Pacifique sud. Colloque & atelier de travail "Sciences de la conservation dans les écosystèmes insulaires terrestres ultra-marins", Moorea (French Polynesia). | Talk.

9. Larrue, S., Daehler, C., Meyer, J.-Y., Pouteau, R., Voldoire, O. (2015). Spatial distribution and leaf chlorophyll fluorescence of the invasive tree Spathodea campanulata on the island of Tahiti (French Polynesia, South Pacific Ocean). International Conference on the Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions (EMAPI), Hilo (Hawaii). | Poster.

8. Pouteau, R., Bayle, E., Blanchard, E., Birnbaum, P., Cassan, J.-J., Hequet, V., Ibanez, T., Vandrot, H. (2015). Searching for hotspots within a hotspot: stacked species distribution models provide new opportunities to map species richness in New Caledonia. International Congress for Conservation Biology - European Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB-ECCB), Montpellier (France). | Talk.

7. Trueba, S., Pouteau, R., Delzon, S., Lens, F., Feild, T., Isnard, S., Olson, M.E. (2015). Basal angiosperm populations as listening posts for climate change in New Caledonia. International Congress for Conservation Biology - European Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB-ECCB), Montpellier (France). | Poster.

6. Ibanez, T., Blanchard, E., Hequet, V., Pouteau, R., Vandrot, H., Birnbaum, P.(2015). Drivers of tree species richness in New Caledonian rainforests: beta- but not alpha-diversity makes them exceptional. Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Honolulu (Hawaii). | Talk.

5. Trueba, S., Pouteau, R., Delzon, S., Lens, F., Feild, T., Isnard, S., Olson, M.E. (2015). Basal angiosperms as barometers for climate change in New Caledonia, an ecophysiological and biogeographical approach. Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Honolulu (Hawaii). | Talk.

4. Pouteau, R., Trueba, S., Isnard, S. (2014). The ecological niche of extant basal angiosperms native to New Caledonia: biogeographical and evolutionary implications. Island Biology, Honolulu (Hawaii). | Talk.

3. Birnbaum, P., Ibanez, T., Pouteau, R., Blanchard, E., Vandrot, H., Hequet, V. (2014). Tree diversity patterns in New Caledonian forests. Island Biology 2014, Honolulu (Hawaii). | Talk.

2. Meyer, J.-Y., Pouteau, R., Fourdrigniez, M., Taputuarai, R. (2011). Plant introductions and invasions in Polynesian islands: new conservation challenges in novel ecosystems. French Polynesia Palaeo- and Neo-Ecology Symposium & Workshop, Moorea (French Polynesia). | Talk.

1. Meyer, J.-Y., Pouteau, R., Taputuarai, R. (2011). Mapping vegetation and predicting the distribution of alien invasive and rare endemic plants using remote sensing on the island of Moorea, French Polynesia. 22nd Pacific Science Congress, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). | Talk.


1. Pouteau, R., Meyer, J.-Y., Taputuarai, R., Stoll, B. (2010). La fonte de la biodiversité dans les îles tropicales : modélisation de l’impact potentiel du réchauffement global sur la végétation orophile de Tahiti (Polynésie française). VertigO, la revue électronique en sciences de l’environnement, 10, No. 3. [French]


2. IAC's Forest Ecology Team/North Province of New Caledonia (2017-onwards). niamoto: a geoportal for biodiversity management in New Caledonian rainforests.

1. Schmitt, S., Pouteau, R., Justeau, D., Birnbaum, P. (2016). SSDM: Stacked Species Distribution Modelling.


PhD students

2023-2026 Margaux Rojat (University of Montpellier, France) | Biotic interactions between invasive alien plants and threatened trees endemic to the Mascarene islands.

2023-2026 Imthiaz Sheik Abbass (University of Mauritius, Mauritius) | Mapping native vegetation cover change and alien plant invasion to improve conservation priorities in the highly transformed oceanic island of Mauritius.

MSc students

2024 Elise Adrien (University of Geneva, Switzerland) | Are threatened endemic and invasive alien plants two sides of the same coin?

2024 Cassandra Hoarau (University of Poitiers, France) | Assessing extinction risk of five critically endangered semi-dry forest trees and shrubs.

2023 Anaëlle Regen (University of Uppsala, Sweden) | The extinction debt induced by invasive alien plants in Réunion Island (Indian Ocean).

2023 Lyse Heymans (University of Reunion, Reunion) | Les arbres indigènes et exotiques de l’île de La Réunion ont-ils des stratégies écologiques CSR différentes ?

2023 Quentin Ethève (University of Toulouse, France) | Spatialisation de l’endémisme, du risque d’extinction et de la diversité phylogénétique des plantes ligneuses de La Réunion (océan Indien).

2022 Lysandre Journiac (National Museum of Natural History of Paris, France) | Are species distribution models a ready-to-use biosecurity tool ? A case study in Réunion Island and South Africa.

2017 Mélanie Libeau (Bordeaux Sciences Agro, France) | Predicting the risk of plant invasion on islands: the case of Miconia calvescens in the Marquesas, French Polynesia (South Pacific).

2016 Sylvain Schmitt (AgroParisTech & University of Montpellier, France) | SSDM: an R package to map species richness using stacked species distribution models.

2015 Grégoire Blanchard (University of Montpellier, France) | Les gradients altitudinaux de richesse spécifique des plantes de Nouvelle-Calédonie. [French]

2014 Elise Bayle (University Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée & National School of Geographic Sciences, France) | Cartographie de la biodiversité dans un hotspot : le cas de la richesse spécifique des arbres de Nouvelle-Calédonie. [French]


'plant tax team' of the moorea biocode project

Mt Matatea, French Polynesia (Picture by J.-Y. Meyer)

weed busters of the bio-protection research centre

Banks Peninsula, New Zealand

NOU HErbarium staff

Noumea, New Caledonia (Picture by P. Marmey)

IAC's tree huggers

Mt Arago, New Caledonia (Picture by N. Petit)


Göttingen, Germany (Picture by H. Kreft)

AMAP's MARANTaceae forest lovers

Loundoungou, Congo (UAV image by N. Barbier)


Grand Bassin, Reunion