2024 Rumors

This is the 2024 HEP theory Postdoc Rumor Mill. For more information, please see our About/FAQ page.

To submit a rumor: Please email postdocrumor [at] gmail [dot] com to submit a rumor.

The "Latest Rumors" sheet provides a list of the most recent rumor mill activity, while the "Rumor Mill" tabs give a complete overview of all postdoc offers, acceptances, and declines sorted by institution or by first name.  Corrections can be sent to the administrator via postdocrumor [at] gmail [dot] com.

Announcement: There is a new accord on the earliest possible deadline for postdoc offers in HEP theory.  For signatories of the accord,  in the current 2024 cycle, the earliest deadline is thus February 15, 2024.

For context, please see the new accord webpage and the corresponding arXiv reference [2307.02683].  The accord has been ratified with 181 theory groups worldwide and also 85% of the original institutions from the preceding accord (as of September 30, 2023).  Also note that the 2024 cycle is the first postdoc hiring season to implement the new accord.  On the other hand, note that a number of institutions have not signed the accord and will issue offers with deadlines earlier than February 15.  A substantial number of institutions that have not signed the February 15 accord have informally agreed that for this year no offers will be made with deadlines before January 16, 2024.

Disclaimer: The following information is based on rumors submitted by our correspondents from around the world. Since many physics departments will not verify this (in principle) public information, we cannot guarantee that any information is accurate. This information is provided as a public service, no warranty is expressed or implied. Your mileage may vary.

Last Updated: Sunday, February 18, 2024, 11:12:00 (CEST)

Update: Added a "Remarks" column to indicate information about named fellowships, longer fixed term offers, or extraordinary funding and to improve readability of the "Status" column.