Ponpoje Porapakkarm (Poe)


National Graduate Institute for Policies Studies (GRIPS)

Tokyo, Japan


  Address : 

  Room B906, National Graduate Institute of Policies Studies (GRIPS)

  7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku

  Tokyo, Japan, 106-8677

  office phone: (+81) 03 6439 6237


Contact Information

Cellphone : (+81) 080 9524 8741

Email:   p-porapakkarm@grips.ac.jp

       or     porapakkarmponpoje@gmail.com

I use calibrated life-cycle models with heterogeneous households under a general equilibrium framework as a laboratory to answer both positive and normative questions in economics. 

My current research examines the interaction of health, medical expenditures, longevity, and labor market risks, and how they affect households' decisions, welfare, and inequality. I am also particularly interested in public programs that provide insurance against these risks.