Raj Vij - Mumbai

Post date: Aug 08, 2010 6:53:18 AM

I worked with P&O Containers Ltd and P&O Nedlloyd Ltd for 16 years before transferring to Maersk Line where I am currently working.  I am in charge of Global Claims as from May 2010. I am to retire in 2012. Joined in Calcutta in 1990 as Finance & Customer Service Manager and over the years worked as Regional Manager – Eastern India & Nepal before moving to the Regional Office in Mumbai to work as Regional Customer Service Manager – South Asia, Regional Customer Operations Manager – South Asia, East Africa and Indian Ocean Islands along with handling Claims for MESAF

PONL Heritage will live forever in our minds and life having spent the major portion of my career in the company.

Attached is an old picture of colleagues in PONL in 2002 in the old PONL office (all left Maersk Line to work elsewhere!!!)