Peter Ongley

Post date: Sep 04, 2013 7:0:28 PM

Peter Ongley has always been based in Leeds and his career in shipping included fulfilling the following roles:

Overseas Containers Ltd. 

P&O Containers Ltd. 

P&O Nedlloyd Global Logistics. 

P&O Nedlloyd Limited. 

After taking early retirement in 2006, Peter took a year out and had a part time job as a library assistant from 2006 – 2007 with Leeds City Council then returned to work full becoming Group HSQE Manager with Prismo Road Markings Limited 2007-2010

In addition, Peter carried some work as an Independent Quality Consultant from 2006 to date with an orthotics manufacturing company and a previous employee.

Peter is now enjoying retirement, mainly with family and grandchildren, walking, cycling, holidays and basically enjoying life to the full, well as much as one can on a pension!