SCARA 2013 Annual Reunion Lunch report

Post date: Mar 07, 2014 9:30:55 PM

One hundred and sixty five members and guests registered to attend the reunion which was slightly up on the previous year however due to unexpected  events some people were unable to attend on the day.  

It was a pleasure to have as our guest Lady St.Johnston who kindly presented the Rose Bowl to Steve Barraclough, the winner of the 2013 ‘Rose Bowl Challenge’.  Thanks go to Adrian Malupa and Roger Brown for organising the competition.

Some members remarked that in their opinion 2013 was the best reunion yet.  I’m not sure about that but it certainly was a most enjoyable day.  A request for tea / coffee has been noted and the Committee will check out the cost with the venue for next year to see if it is feasible.  It was also the first year Members’ Guests were invited and we hope that those taking up this opportunity to attend were glad they came.   It would be lovely to see  more spouses and partners 2014.

It was a pity that Ted Nicholls had to bail out at the last minute due to a bad cold because we were looking forward to wishing him a ‘Happy 90th Birthday’. We did arrange for a nice card to be sent which he was very pleased to receive.

Listed below are the names of those who signed up for the event.  


Mr Andy Allan

Mr Raymond Andrews

Mrs Mary Anthony

Mr Keith Badgery

Mrs Angela Ball

Mr Stephen Barraclough 

Mr Christopher Rankin

Mrs Jean Reece

Ms Vicky Revill-Whelan

Mr  John Richardson

Mr Eric Riley

Mrs Debbie Risbridger

Mr Alan Rollinson

Mr Vernon Rolls

Mr Colin Rumble

Mrs Fiona Ruxton

Mr Trevor Ruxton

Mr David Sayers

Mrs Susan Sellens

Mr Bernard Heard

Mr Adam Hedges

Mr Chris Holt

Mrs Jackie Honour

Mrs Christine Hope

Mr Trevor Hopkins

Mr Mal Hurdidge

Mr Robert (Bob) Ingram

Mrs Sandra Issacson

Ms Anita Jones

Mrs Christine Jones

Mr Andrew Kennedy

Mr Michael Kingston

Mr Hartmut (Haddy) Lammert

Mr Ralph Langstaff

Capt. Peter Lester

Miss Karen Levy

Mrs Carole Bates

Mr James (Jim) Baxter

Mr Mike Bernard

Mr Paul Blanchflower

Mr Tony Blumer OBE

Mr Mike Board

Mr Tom Boardley

Mr Craig Bowen

Mr Robert (Bob) Bowen

Mr Steve Bowen

Mr Pat Boyle

Mr Peter Brabyn

Mr Jens Peder Braendeholm

Mr Lee Brewer

Mr Roger Brown 

Mrs Wendy Carr

Mr John Carrett

Mrs Rosemarie Cast

Mr Keith Chandler

Miss Joan Chapman

Mr Mike Chapman

Mr David Charlesworth

Mr Nigel Chew

Capt Bryan Chipperfield

Ms Kim Selwyn

Mr Michael Seymour

Mr Geoff Sharman 

Mr Mike Sherwood

Mr Mike Shoesmith

Ms Lynn Slater

Mr Godfrey Smith

Mr Trevor Smith

Mrs Joan Squires

Lady Charlotte St Johnston

Mrs Jane Stephens 

Mrs Priscilla Stutely

Mr Derek Sutcliffe

Mr Geoff Lippitt

Mr Martin Lloyd

Mrs Joan Lobendhan

Mr John Loftin

Mr Ian Malcolm

Mr Adrian Malupa

Mr Phil Mann

Mr Philip Marks

Mr Tony Mason

Mr Ron Mathias

Mrs Belinda McCormack

Mrs Erica Merrifield-Harris

Miss Diane Mill

Mr Clifford Miller

Mr Robert Milton

Mr Simon Moore 

Mr Patrick Moore  OBE

Mrs Tracey Morritt 

Mr Geoffrey Nash

Mr John Neale

Mr Peter Nicholls

Mr Alan Collier

Mr John Corbet-Singleton CBE

Mr Roger Cornwell

Mr Tony Coughlin

Mr Ian Court

Mr Mike Cunningham

Ms Julie Dale

Mrs Wendy Daniel

Mr Peter D'Arcy

Mr Peter Davies

Mr Ray Davis

Mrs Sandra Davy

Mr Simon Doughty

Mr Chris Evans

Miss Carol Fielding

Mr Chris Fuller

Mr Michael Gander

Mr Jim Tebbutt

Mr David Thompson

Mr  Ian Thornton

Ms Ann Tradigo

Mr  Adrian Tucker 

Mr Edward van Dorp

Mr Tim Vaughan

Mr Martyn Willetts

Mr John Williams

Mr David  Wilson

Mr Richard Winch

Mr Michael Woods

Mr  Gordon  Wright 


Mrs Julie Boyle

Mr John Stutley

Mrs Viv Fleury

Mrs Patricia Bowen

Ms Jan Graafland

Mr Reg Preston

Ms Sue Johnson

Mr Ted Bouvier

Ms Christine Middleton


Mr Ted Nichols

Mrs Sylvia Norton

Mr Joe O'Brien

Mrs Tina Osborne

Capt Ken Owen

Mr Andy Packer

Mr Frank Palmer

Mr Michael Parker

Mrs Debbie Paxton

Mrs Barbara Pease

Capt  Michael Penney OBE RD RNR

Ms Hilary Perring

Ms Christine Phillippo

Mr Peter Pollitt MBE

Mr Dave Potter

Mr Mark Poulter

Mr Tim Power

Mrs Janette Preston

Miss Sheila Radford

Mr Zoeb Raniwala

Mr Geoff Garner

Mr Douglas Gates

Mr Peter Godfrey

Mr Peter Goodfellow

Mr Vincent Gorny

Mr  Ian Grant 

Mr William Gray

Mr Alistair Grote

Mr Danny Hallahan

Mr John Hallahan

Mr John Hallett


Ms Nicky  

Ms Heather  

To see all of the photographs from the day, please check out the SCARA Lunch - 2013 Gallery (our thanks to Lady St Johnston, Eric Riley, Mike Shoesmith, Andrew Kennedy & Mike Chapman for senidng in their photos).

The date for the SCARA Reunion in 2014 is Friday 31st October.  Looking forward to seeing you there.

Belinda McCormack

SCARA Hon.Sec.