SCARA 14th Annual Reunion Lunch report

Post date: Dec 04, 2019 12:16:2 PM

Thursday 7 November 2019   

This was our 14th annual reunion with attendance up on last year and a significant number of people attending for the first time including 3 new SCARA members, Graeme Clarke, John Harpur and Mark Howell.  Thank you to all those who took time out of their busy schedules to come along. 

And even if you were not able to attend, we hope that you will enjoy viewing the photos and perhaps recognise a few familiar faces.  

We were very pleased to welcome David Cross as our guest speaker who gave us a carefully chosen selection of anecdotes to entertain us during the lunch.

It was also lovely to see our two Vice Presidents Lady St Johnston and Bob Bowen, together with the Barking Mafia, present at the event.  And one member, Gordon Wright visiting from Australia, took time out to meet up with some old friends from the UK.

The full list of attendees is given below.  Sadly, due to either being unwell, having medical appointments or unexpected travel difficulties the 8 individuals with (*) next to their name did not manage to get to the event.  In particular we were hoping to congratulate Pat Boyle and Christine on their very recent marriage but a nasty virus unfortunately kept them from the event but I’m sure we would all like to send them our very best wishes.

John Adams 

Andy Allan

Clive Allan

Raymond  Andrews

Mary Anthony

Stephen Barraclough 

Sue Evans

Phil Farrow

Eddie Filus 

Pam Garofalo *

Margaret Foley

Douglas Gates

Jane Gooch

Bob Gooch

Eleanor Grady

Ian Grant 

Priscilla Green *

Alistair Grote

Ann Guirey

John Hallahan

John Harpur

Alan Harries

Adam Hedges

Mick Helsby

Martin Hindley

Jackie Honour

Joe O’Brien

Tina Osborne

Capt Ken Owen

Frank Palmer

Debbie Paxton

Barbara Pease

Christine Phillippo

Mark Poulter

Zoeb Raniwala

Vicky Revill-Whelan

John Richardson

Debbie Risbridger

Daphne Roberts

John Roberts

Colin Rumble

Graham Russell

Fiona Ruxton

Trevor Ruxton

Dick Scott-Kerr

Lindy Seymour

Michael Seymour

Geoff Sharman 

Hazel Sharman

Stefan Sheriden

Mike Shoesmith

Mark Barrett

James Baxter

Terry Bethell

Dennis Black

Capt Stephen Bligh

Tony Blumer OBE

Mike Board

Tom Boardley

Robert Bowen

Pat Boyle *

Christine Boyle *

Jens Peder Braendeholm

Marilyn Braendeholm

Roger Brown

Wendy Carr

Rosemarie Cast

Sue Cessford *

Stanley Chalk

Joan Chapman

Mike Chapman

David  Charlesworth

Alison Charlesworth

Guy Cheeseman

Mark Howell

Mal Hurdidge

Sandra Isaacson

Brian Jeffery

Sharon Jeffery

Agnes King

Martin Lloyd

John Loftin

Peter Low

Ian Malcolm

Adrian Malupa

Philip Marks

Carol Marquis

Tony Mason

Belinda McCormack

Erica Merrifield-Harris

Michiel Messchaert

Clifford Miller

Todd Moore

Les Morris

Stewart Moult

Alan Newell

Sylvia Norton

Nigel Chew

Capt Bryan Chipperfield *

Graeme Clarke

Alan Collier

Malcolm Coomer

Tony Coughlin

David Cross

Jane Cross

Julie Curran

Gwynedd Davies

Peter Davies

Sandra Davy

Simon Dyer

Chris Evans *

Stanley Smulders

Robert Steptoe

Lady St Johnston

David Sutton

Denise Tarrant

Ian Thomson

Adrian Tucker 

Edward van Dorp

John Ward

Capt Joe Welch

Jean Wheeler

Nigel Wilks

Barry Williams *

David Wilson

Richard Winch

Robert Woods CBE

Gordon Wright

Belinda McCormack

SCARA Membership Secretary

For the full album of pictures that we have received to go with this report, please go to the PONLHeritage Photo Collection (with thanks to photographers Jim Baxter and David Charlesworth!)