SCARA 13th Annual Reunion Lunch

Post date: Nov 10, 2018 9:34:53 PM


We could have asked for better weather Thursday 1st November 2018 but not for a more successful 13th Annual Reunion.  Thank you to everyone who helped make it such an enjoyable day.

If you have a story to share with us about the day please let’s hear from you.  

Unfortunately, a few people did experienced transport difficulties with cancelled or slow running trains.  Ray Andrews and his wife Lynn were delayed by both trains and a torrential downpour which brought the London traffic to a standstill!  Fortunately, there was plenty of food so nobody went hungry.  Others like Wendy Carr enjoyed a chat en route to the event with some good-looking soldiers collecting for the Poppy Appeal and got a lovely pic to prove it.   

I am also aware that some of our members extended the reunion with a trip to the pub – possibly to avoid the rush hour traffic?  

It was a pleasure to welcome Tom Boardley as our guest speaker.  Tom, gave us a brief history of his career in the shipping industry finishing with an update of his new role in the Cruise industry. Just like the container industry, cruise ship owners are intent on increasing ship size to gain benefits of scale. Unlike our container industry however, they seem able to make a consistent profit!   

We were very pleased to see Lady St. Johnston and Bob Bowen, SCARA Vice Presidents, at the reunion.  Lady St. Johnston made the presentation of the silver rose bowl to Adrian Malupa who was this year’s winner of the Golf Challenge.  And Bob, well he was his usual cheeky self and a pleasure to see.  

The list of members who registered for the SCARA reunion is printed below.    

Belinda McCormack

SCARA Membership Sec.

Mr John Adams 

Ms Myrtle Alexander

Mr Raymond Andrews

Mrs Lynn Andrews

Mr Stephen Barraclough 

Mr James Baxter

Mr Terry Bethell

Mr Tony Blumer OBE

Mr Mike Board

Mr Tom Boardley

Mr Alan Bott OBE

Mr Bob Bowen

Ms Hilary Perring

Ms Christine Phillippo

Mr Mark Poulter

Mr Derek Putman

Mr Anton Ratnayake

Ms Vicky Revill-Whelan

Mr John Richardson

Mrs Debbie Risbridger

Mrs Daphne Roberts

Mr John Roberts

Mrs Pam Garofalo

Mr Geoff Garner

Mrs Jane Gooch

Mr Bob Gooch

Mr Ian Grant 

Mr Pat Boyle

Mr Jens Peder Braendeholm

Mrs Marilyn Braendeholm

Mr Lee Brewer

Mrs Wendy Carr

Mrs Lynne Robertson

Mr Colin Rumble

Mr Graham Russell

Mrs Fiona Ruxton

Mr Trevor Ruxton

Mrs Susan Sellens

Mrs Lindy Seymour

Mr Michael Seymour

Mrs Ann Guirey

Mr Danny Hallahan

Mr John Hallahan

Mr Adam Hedges

Mrs Jackie Honour

Mrs Sandra Isaacson

Mrs Agnes King

Mr Martin Lloyd

Mr John Loftin

Mr Ian Malcolm

Mr Adrian Malupa

Mr Philip Marks

Mrs Carol Marquis

Mr Tony Mason

Mrs Belinda McCormack

Mrs Rosemarie Cast

Mrs Sue Cessford

Mr Stanley Chalk

Miss Joan Chapman

Mr Mike Chapman

Mr David Charlesworth

Mr Trevor Chase

Mr Nigel Chew

Capt Bryan Chipperfield

Mr Ian Clark

Mr Tony Coughlin

Mr Peter Davies

Mr Ray Davis

Mrs Sandra Davy

Mrs Karen Diwell

Mrs Sue Evans

Miss Carol Fielding

Mr Edmund Filus 

Mr Geoff Sharman 

Mr Stefan Sheriden

Mr Mike Shoesmith

Mr Roy Smith

Mr Stanley Smulders

Lady St Johnston

Mr John Stutely

Mrs Priscilla Stutely

Mr Ian Thomson

Mrs Erica Merrifield-Harris

Mr Clifford Miller

Mr Robert Milton

Mr Simon Moore 

Mr Todd Moore

Mr Patrick Moore OBE

Mr Stewart Moult

Mr Peter Nicholls

Mr Paul Nixon

Mrs Sylvia Norton

Mr Joe O'Brien

Mrs Tina Osborne

Capt Ken Owen

Mrs Debbie Paxton

Mrs Barbara Pease

Mr Adrian Tucker 

Mr Edward van Dorp

Ms Jean Wheeler

Mr Nigel Wilks

Mr Martyn Willetts

Mr David Wilson

To see the full album of photographs provided to PONLHeritage for this event, go to PONLHeritage Google Album