World in a Box

Post date: Dec 09, 2019 8:43:3 PM

We have received the following communication from Martin Orchard about a fascinating video commemorating the 50th anniversary of the start of the deep-sea container trade in Australia:   

Dear David & David,

I have pleasure in attaching a link to the short documentary film’ World in a Box’ which commemorates the 50th Anniversary of the arrival of the first international container service into Australia - the joint OCL/ACT/ANL service between Australia and UK/Europe.

The full-feature film is 22-minutes in duration and there is an abbreviated version of 10-minute duration, plus a short promotion. To  access the film, highlight the link, click on the right button of your mouse and then click on ‘Open Link’.

The film was launched in Adelaide on 22nd October by the Australian Federal Minister of Trade, the Hon Senator Simon Birmingham, to general acclaim.

One of our sponsors, and most keen supporter throughout this venture, has been the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT) in Canberra. DFAT is now distributing the film to their Australian offices as well as to various Australian Embassies around the World to promote trade with Australia.

I would appreciate if you could send this link to former OCL/P&O Container and ACT(A)/ACT(S) employees in UK and beyond, as you see fit. In addition, I would appreciate if you could consider sending the film to other interested parties, i.e. the Maritime Museum in Greenwich, UK Chamber of Shipping, et al. I would be interested to be made aware of any reactions you receive from the various parties.

I have spoken to John Spurrett on the subject of distributing this film in UK to the OCL/P&O Container and ACT(A)/ACT(S) personnel, and we both agreed that sending it to you both at the same time is the best course to take.

I hope you enjoy the film.

Kind Regards,


Many thanks to David Charlesworth for forwarding on the communication.  Whether you are interested in the history of the start of containerisation in Australia or an update on how critical it is today, the video is definitely worth a watch.