The demolition of Beagle House is underway

Post date: Sep 02, 2017 4:27:10 PM

The first reports that the demolition of the former London HQ for Overseas Containers Limited, P&O Containers and P&O Nedlloyd appeared on the PONL Facebook group just over two weeks ago.  

Clive Allen has just provided an update having visited the site on Thursday 31 August.  He has kindly provided the photograph below which clearly shows that the restaurant block has almost gone entirely and the scaffolding is up around the main building which presumably means that the internal structure and windows are being stripped out.  

It seems likely that the work will be completed within the next few weeks.

On a brighter note, Bob Hughes has kindly sent us the photo below which was taken in much better days.  The building looks to be complete and in contrast to today it is dominating the local landscape.  By the look of the buildings and car park in the foreground this photo was presumably taken around 1974-75.

See also: