New PONL Facebook group

Post date: Jul 20, 2012 8:36:57 AM

Over the last couple of months more than 2,000 former members of staff who have joined the Facebook PONL group have found it to be a great way of getting back in touch and sharing memories with old colleagues.

For those who aren't a member of the group already, former workmates have been sharing photographs including images of company memorabilia, staff events and offices.  Examples of the pictures shared include the delegates for a Focus training course in Singapore, a COPS party in Dubai, a collection of P&O Nedlloyd ties, and publicity from the early days of companies like KNSM, OCL and TFL.  There's even pictures of Captain Quality :-)

These images have started up conversations, bringing people back into contact who maybe have not spoken for years:

And many, many more :-)

This is a closed Facebook group, but there's a very good chance that you'll know someone who is a member already who can send you an invitation to join!